YOUR RELIGION IS YOUR FAITH- How do extremist actions affect the daily lives of ordinary Muslims? By Hugo Keji


The actions of extremists profoundly affect the daily lives of ordinary Muslims in numerous ways, creating an environment of fear, division, and uncertainty.

Below are some of the significant impacts on daily life:

1. Security and Fear of Violence

  • Risk of Terrorist Attacks: Ordinary Muslims living in areas where extremist groups operate face constant threats of violence. Bombings, shootings, and other forms of terrorist attacks can occur in public spaces, such as markets, mosques, or schools, creating a pervasive sense of insecurity.
  • Military and Police Presence: In response to extremism, many governments increase military and police presence. Ordinary people may experience frequent checkpoints, curfews, and raids, which disrupt daily activities. In conflict zones, civilians often get caught in the crossfire between government forces and extremists.
  • Fear of Being Targeted: Extremist groups often target civilians who do not adhere to their strict interpretation of Islam. This means ordinary Muslims who may practice a more moderate or different form of Islam, such as Sufis or Shia Muslims, live in fear of being attacked for their religious beliefs. Additionally, those who do not conform to extremist codes (such as dress or public behavior) may be harassed or punished.

2. Economic Disruption

  • Loss of Livelihoods: In regions affected by extremism, businesses may close, markets may be disrupted, and tourism may plummet, leading to significant economic hardships. For example, in places like Iraq and Syria, ordinary people have lost their homes, jobs, and means of survival due to extremist activities. Farmers, merchants, and small business owners struggle to sustain their livelihoods under constant threat.
  • Migration and Displacement: Many Muslims are forced to leave their homes due to extremist violence, resulting in internal displacement or becoming refugees. Displacement disrupts normal life, including children's education, access to healthcare, and social stability. Refugees often face economic struggles as they try to rebuild their lives in foreign or makeshift environments.

3. Restricted Freedoms and Civil Liberties

  • Restrictions on Dress and Behavior: In areas controlled by extremist groups, strict codes of dress and behavior are enforced, particularly affecting women. For instance, women may be forced to wear full veils or be barred from public spaces without a male guardian. Public behaviors such as music, dancing, and celebrations are often banned, curtailing personal freedom and cultural expression.
  • Suppression of Free Speech: Speaking out against extremist ideologies or government policies that combat extremism is often dangerous. People who criticize extremists, whether in personal conversations or on social media, may face retaliation. This creates an atmosphere of self-censorship, where ordinary people are afraid to express their views openly, even among close circles.

4. Impact on Education

  • Limited Access to Education: Extremist groups often target schools and educational institutions, especially those that promote modern or secular education. Girls are particularly affected, as extremist groups like the Taliban have been known to prohibit female education. In areas controlled by extremists, schools are either shut down or children are forced to learn only religiously oriented subjects that align with extremist ideologies.
  • Fear of Sending Children to School: Even in areas not directly controlled by extremists, fear of attacks can prevent parents from sending their children to school. The 2014 attack on a school in Peshawar, Pakistan, where over 140 people, mostly children, were killed by the Taliban, is an example of how fear can paralyze communities and disrupt normal educational routines.

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5. Social Fragmentation and Distrust

  • Increased Sectarian Tensions: Extremist ideologies that emphasize one interpretation of Islam over others create sectarian divisions within Muslim societies. Sunni-Shia tensions, for example, are exacerbated in countries like Iraq, Yemen, and Pakistan, where extremists specifically target one group. This deepens mistrust and reduces social cohesion, making daily interactions between different sects more strained.
  • Mistrust in Public Spaces: Ordinary Muslims may become suspicious or fearful of others, especially in public settings like mosques, markets, or schools. This atmosphere of distrust hampers community bonds and undermines the sense of safety that is usually part of communal life.

6. Women’s Rights and Gender Relations

  • Restricted Movement and Participation: In areas where extremists have significant influence, women’s participation in public life becomes highly restricted. Women may be barred from working, attending school, or even going outside unaccompanied by male relatives. This drastically changes the daily lives of women, confining them to their homes and limiting their social interactions.
  • Gender-Based Violence: Extremist ideologies often condone gender-based violence, including forced marriages, honor killings, and public punishment of women who do not conform to prescribed roles. Ordinary Muslim women may live in fear of such punishments, particularly in areas under extremist control or influence.

7. Religious Practice and Coercion

  • Coerced Religious Practices: Extremist groups enforce rigid interpretations of Islam, compelling ordinary Muslims to follow strict religious observances. Public displays of prayer, fasting during Ramadan, and adherence to specific dress codes are often mandated under threat of punishment. Muslims who do not comply may face harassment, fines, or physical punishment.
  • Fear of Religious Misjudgment: Even for devout Muslims, there may be fear that their religious practices will be judged as insufficient or incorrect by extremists. This adds an additional layer of pressure to daily life, where religious observance becomes not just a personal or spiritual practice but also a survival mechanism.

8. Impact on Healthcare and Services

  • Disruption of Healthcare Access: Extremist violence and conflict often disrupt basic services, including healthcare. Hospitals may be targeted or taken over, leading to a lack of medical supplies, staff, and security. People with chronic illnesses, pregnant women, and those needing emergency care may find it difficult to access the medical attention they need.
  • Public Health Crises: Areas affected by extremism often suffer from poor sanitation, lack of clean water, and limited food supplies, which can lead to malnutrition and the spread of diseases. The overall health infrastructure deteriorates, making daily survival more difficult for ordinary Muslims.

9. Psychological Impact

  • Chronic Stress and Trauma: Living under the constant threat of violence or in areas controlled by extremists causes significant psychological stress. Families may experience trauma due to the loss of loved ones, displacement, or witnessing violent acts. This constant state of fear and anxiety can lead to long-term mental health issues, such as depression, PTSD, and other stress-related disorders.
  • Loss of Hope and Despair: Many ordinary Muslims living under extremist influence or in conflict zones face a sense of hopelessness about the future. The inability to pursue education, find stable employment, or maintain family security often leads to despair. This emotional toll is exacerbated by a lack of social support, disrupted communities, and the breakdown of institutions that normally provide stability.

10. Stigmatization and External Perception

  • Islamophobia and Global Stigma: The actions of extremists often fuel global Islamophobia, leading to discrimination and suspicion toward Muslims living outside conflict zones. For Muslims in these regions, this creates a dual burden: they not only suffer from the violence and repression at home but are also affected by the global rise in anti-Muslim sentiment. This stigmatization can hinder international aid and support, as outsiders may view Muslim-majority countries solely through the lens of extremism.


The actions of extremists dramatically alter the daily lives of ordinary Muslims, creating a climate of fear, economic hardship, social fragmentation, and restricted freedoms. These effects are felt not just in conflict zones but also in broader Muslim societies, where the presence of extremism reshapes how people live, work, worship, and interact with one another. Despite these challenges, many communities resist extremist ideologies, working to maintain their cultural heritage, religious pluralism, and social cohesion.

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