Shipping Container Launcher Packing 126 Kamikaze Drones Hits The Market
    German defense contractor Rheinmetall is pitching a containerized launcher concept for Hero family loitering munitions, also known as other kamikaze drones, from Israeli firm UVision. The modified shipping container with 126 launch cells opens up a host of operational possibilities on land and at sea. The War Zone has called attention to the value of notional capabilities exactly like this in the past, including in the maritime domain. A rendering of the...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-19 06:58:54 0 25
    Ranked: Top 3 U.S. Army Sniper Rifles Of All Time. The U.S. Army's top three sniper rifles—M24, Mk-22, and M110—each offer unique strengths suited for different missions.
    -The M24, a bolt-action rifle based on the Remington Model 700, is renowned for its reliability and long-range accuracy, with a history dating back to 1988. -The Barrett Mk-22, a versatile, multi-role adaptive design, supports multiple calibers and configurations, making it suitable for various missions with ranges over 1,000 meters. The M110, a semi-automatic rifle based on the AR-10, offers rapid follow-up shots and is optimized for urban sniping with a range of up to 1,000 meters....
    By Ikeji 2024-06-18 07:19:50 0 24
    Wanna Know How to Sink an Aircraft Carrier? Crash Into an Island
    In November 1985, the USS Enterprise, one of the most famous U.S. Navy ships, nearly wrecked on the submerged Cortes Bank, 100 miles west of San Diego. During an operational exercise, the aircraft carrier hit the submerged island, causing a significant gash in its hull and damaging three of its four propellers. -Despite the damage, the crew managed to stabilize the ship. This incident highlights the dangers of the ocean depths and the challenges faced by naval operations, echoing other...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-18 07:12:52 0 20
    The Navy Freaked: A Nuclear Submarine Was ‘Shattered Into 5 Pieces’
    The USS Thresher (SSN-593), a U.S. Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine, sank in April 1963 during deep-diving tests off the coast of Massachusetts, resulting in the loss of 129 sailors and crew. The sub was shattered into five pieces and confounded experts.  Despite extensive investigations, the exact cause of the disaster remains undetermined. Initially, it was believed that a failure in the submarine's piping system caused the incident, but this theory has been largely dismissed....
    By Ikeji 2024-06-18 07:07:48 0 37
    A Russian Navy Nuclear Submarine Was Sunk By Its Own Torpedo
    The sinking of the Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kursk in August 2000 during a naval exercise in the Barents Sea resulted in the death of all 118 crew members. Initial explosions in the torpedo room killed most of the crew instantly, while 23 sailors survived the blast but died waiting for a slow rescue response from the Russian Navy. The disaster was attributed to a faulty torpedo using volatile hydrogen peroxide fuel. Conspiracy theories emerged, suggesting NATO submarines caused the...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-18 07:02:01 0 32
    'Sir, We Have a Serious Emergency': A 'Heavily Armed' Russian Submarine Was Massively Damaged
    On November 8, 2008, the K-152 Nerpa, a Russian Akula-class nuclear-powered attack submarine, experienced a tragic disaster during sea trials in the Sea of Japan. The submarine, carrying many civilian contractors and engineers, was testing its systems when the two forward compartments were sealed and flooded with firefighting gas, resulting in the deaths of 20 people, including 17 civilians, and injuring 41. The cause of the incident remains unclear, with initial blame placed on a sailor...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-18 06:56:11 0 26
    "Sir, Our Nuclear Submarine Sank...Again": A Russian Sub Made History and Sunk Twice
    Despite technological advancements making submarines safer today, they still operate with a razor-thin margin for error, as highlighted by incidents like the Soviet K-429, a Charlie-I class nuclear submarine that sank twice. Submarines are inherently dangerous, especially during World War II when U.S. Navy submariners had a 20% casualty rate, and Nazi Kriegsmarine submariners had a staggering 75% casualty rate. Despite technological advancements making submarines safer today, they still...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-17 08:26:09 0 26
    Russia's Yasen-Class Submarines Make U.S. Navy Admirals Sweat
    Russia's Yasen-Class Submarines Make U.S. Navy Admirals Sweat. The Yasen-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines, also known as Project 885, represent a significant advancement in Russian naval technology and pose a substantial threat to the US Navy and NATO forces. Designed by the Malakhit Marine Engineering Bureau and built by Sevmash, these submarines are intended to replace the aging Akula-class and Oscar-class submarines. -Despite their advanced capabilities, including a...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-17 08:20:10 0 25
    Borei-Class: The Nuclear Missile Submarine Built to Strike America
    The Borei-class is equipped with 16 Bulava SLBM silos, capable of carrying 160 nuclear warheads, and features advanced sonar and navigation systems, enhancing its stealth and combat capabilities. The Borei-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, originally called Project 955 by the Soviet Navy in 1980, represent a significant advancement in Russian naval technology. Designed to replace the aging Delta III and Delta IV classes, these submarines pose a substantial threat to the US...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-17 08:05:19 0 44
    China Freaked Out: U.S. Air Force Launched F-35 and B-52 Bombers in Massive 'Elephant Walk'
    The US Air Force, alongside five foreign allies, conducted a significant "elephant walk" at Andersen Air Force Base in the Indo-Pacific region last September, demonstrating force and solidarity against China's assertiveness. The formation included 23 aircraft from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, and France. The exercise was part of broader operations within the Indo-Pacific Command, such as Mobility Guardian, aiming to enhance readiness and interoperability. -This show of force...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-17 07:58:57 0 29
    "Sir, We Hit Another Submarine": Russian and U.S. Navy Attack Subs Collided
    At 8:16 pm local time, in international waters, about 12 miles from the shoreline of Kildin Island, the Baton Rouge collided with Russian submarine B-276 Kostroma.    After the Soviet Union collapsed, the U.S. continued surveillance on Russian nuclear submarines through Operation Holy Stone. This involved monitoring communications, recording noise patterns, and observing missile tests. On February 11, 1992, the USS Baton Rouge collided with the Russian submarine B-276 Kostroma...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-17 07:53:09 0 34
    M60 Patton: The Unsung Hero of U.S. Battle Tanks
    The M60 Patton, a descendant of the M48 Patton, served longer and fought on more battlefields than its successor, the M1 Abrams. Developed during the Cold War, the M60 became a key component of many U.S. allies' armored forces, including Israel, where it played a crucial role in defending borders. -Initially introduced in 1960, the M60 featured a 105mm rifled gun and a thick steel hull. Over time, it saw various upgrades and modifications, especially in Israel, where it was known as the...
    By Ikeji 2024-06-17 07:34:51 0 22
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