The glasses usa is a supplier of Smartglasses and AR technologies and products for augmented reality, and a global health technology platform provider introducing Smartglasses used in Smartglasses solutions for operating rooms.


Provide quick setup and usage when pairing mobile applications, and seamlessly integrate into cloud-based platforms to achieve remote presentation, content management, and surgical room insight. Smartglasses combine the perspective waveguide technology to provide the performance and versatility of Smartglasses.


The solution based on Smartglasses The United States glasses usa launched high-definition images and streaming video smart glasses for remote observation surgery. Smartglasses use revolutionary waveguides and provide a perspective head-up display.


Voice-activated commands enable hands-free control, and the sturdy battery pack can be replaced during surgery to ensure complete streaming and recording of even the longest surgery.


The comfortable head installation enables surgeons to share the first-person perspective of open surgery and Minimally invasive procedures, allowing participants to view high-definition pictures and streaming video of these operations and procedures through remote observation, and providing them with necessary suggestions and/or opportunities to learn cutting-edge surgical techniques. These programs are recorded and stored in a secure library for review, editing, analysis, and sharing.