Smoking and Alcohol are two widely consumed substances in our society, Smoking is an addiction that affects millions of people around the world. We all know that tobacco is harmful to our health. Smoking can be a difficult habit to break, but by understanding the risks involved, we hope you will find the motivation to take the first step towards a smoke-free life. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), such hazardous substances are commonly known as drugs since consuming them can modify an individual’s mood, consciousness and even the way one processes an individual’s thoughts.

Furthermore, they are substances that generate dependence or tolerance and have harmful effects on health. In this article, our specialists at Drnawaledentocare will explain how Smoking and alcohol can affect your teeth and gums, and the consequences that may arise if measures are not taken to prevent it.

Smoking and Dental Health:

Smoking is a major risk factor for some dental problems. Smoking, whether in the form of cigarettes, smokeless smoking, or cigars, can cause stains on the teeth and tongue, as well as persistent bad breath. Nicotine and other chemicals in smoking reduce blood flow to the gums, which can cause shrinkage of gingival tissues and increase the chance of developing periodontal disease.

Periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease, is especially common in smokers. Smokers have a harder time fighting off infections, leading to a more rapid progression of periodontal disease and a less effective response to treatments. Ultimately, bone loss and gum recession can lead to tooth loss.

Alcohol and dental health:

Excessive alcohol consumption can also harm dental health. Alcohol is acidic and can erode the protective enamel on your teeth, weakening them and making them more susceptible to tooth decay. Additionally, alcohol can dehydrate the body and reduce the amount of saliva, which is vital for maintaining a healthy mouth. Saliva helps neutralize acids and eliminate bacteria, so a decrease in saliva can increase the risk of developing cavities and gum disease.

Excessive and prolonged alcohol consumption can also lead to more serious oral problems, such as oral leukoplakia, a condition in which white spots develop in the mouth that can be a precursor to oral cancer.

Consequences of ignoring risks:

Smoking and alcohol can cause irreversible damage to teeth and gums if the associated risks are ignored. Untreated tooth decay can spread deep into the tooth and cause severe pain, infection, and possibly tooth loss. Untreated periodontal disease can lead to a significant destruction of dental supporting tissue, causing mobility and loss of affected teeth.

In more severe cases, long-term use of these substances can also significantly increase the risk of developing oral cancer. Oral cancer can affect the lips, tongue, cheeks and throat, and may require invasive treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Story of Vidyashankar: How he quit smoking

Vidyashankar has been smoking since he was a teenager. He's been over 30 years. Vidyashankar never really thought about what could happen to this old body if he kept lighting up. He just knew that he loved smoking.

Then he started to notice that he was having a harder time doing simple things like getting to my mailbox. One time he had such a heaviness in my chest that he lay down on the sidewalk until he could catch my breath. The neighbors must have thought they had passed me by. He practically felt like that happened. Vidyashanka didn't want to feel like that again. Afterwards, He could barely carry on a conversation without coughing.

He finally went to the doctor, and the Doctor told him he had COPD. He said He had to quit smoking. "He wasn't sure he could do it. Honestly, the 56-year-old Vidyashankar wasn't sure if he wanted to do it, and that's what the Doctor told him. The Doctor said breathing was going to be a lot harder for me if he didn't stop and that one day, He might have to be on oxygen and bedridden. That scared Vidyashankar enough to decide he should try quitting tobacco.


"He tried to quit once and for all, but after a few days Vidyashankar realized it wasn't going to work. He knew it was going to be hard because my best friend smokes and we spend a lot of time together. He wasn't ready to quit. So watching him light up a cigarette made it hard for him to say 'no'. "He realized he had to try something else. So Vidyashankar tried the patch and that made a big difference. It took almost 5 months, but he was finally able to quit smoking and he felt like it was for good. He can feel a difference in his breathing. He's hoping that quitting smoking will give me a few more years of being on my feet.


His son(Abhay) who is 31-years-old has been a big help too. He quit smoking almost 10 years ago. When Vidyashankar wants a cigarette, He sometimes calls him. Abhay helps him remember why he quit smoking in the first place. He reminds his father that he never wants to feel as if they have 'passed over' him. This time, he plans to stay standing.


Some of the Visible effects of Smoking and Alcohol on Dental Health

    Pain increases after extractions.

    Promotes implant failure.

    Alters the composition of saliva.

    Predisposes to fungal infection.

    Produces oral dryness.

    predisposes to tooth erosion.

    Stains on the teeth.

    Halitosis (bad breath).

    They aggravate periodontal disease (gum disease).

    Increases predisposition to cancerous lesions.

    Decreases the perception of odours and flavours.

    Delays healing of wounds in the mouth.

What are the benefits of quitting smoking?

    Within 20 minutes of quitting smoking, peripheral circulation, blood pressure and heart rate improve.

    After 24 hours, the nicotine is eliminated. Improves smell, taste and appearance of the skin.

    After 72 hours, breathing improves.

    At 3–9 weeks, the cough improves.

    After one year, the risk of heart attack is reduced by 50%.

Prevention and dental care:


The best way to prevent the effects of Smoking and alcohol on your oral health is to avoid their consumption or reduce it to a minimum. However, we know that quitting smoking or drinking is not easy, so we give you some tips to help you achieve it:

    Seek professional help: There are specific programs and treatments to stop smoking or drinking, which may include psychological therapy, medication, nicotine patches gum, etc. Ask your doctor or pharmacist what options are available to you and which one best suits your case.

    Lean on your environment: having the support of your family, friends or self-help groups can be very useful to motivate you and overcome difficult times. Share your goals, your achievements and your difficulties with people who love and understand you.

    Avoid temptations: try to stay away from situations or places that encourage you to smoke or drink, such as parties, bars, terraces or smoking coworkers. Look for healthy alternatives to occupy your free time, such as playing sports, reading, walking or learning something new.

    Reduce consumption progressively: If you find it very difficult to quit smoking or drinking suddenly, you can try to reduce consumption little by little, setting realistic and achievable goals. For example, you can start by smoking or drinking only on weekends, then only one day a week, then only once a month, until you reach zero.

    Reward yourself for your efforts: Quitting smoking or drinking is a great achievement that deserves to be recognized and celebrated. Reward yourself for each day, week or month that you manage to go without smoking or drinking, with something that you like and makes you feel good, such as a gift, a pleasant activity or a treat.



At drnawaledentocare we are aware of the effects of Smoking and alcohol on your oral health. Therefore, we offer you personalized and professional care to help you prevent and treat any oral problems you may have. We have a team of specialists in different areas of dentistry, who will advise you on how to improve your hygiene and habits, perform a check-up and professional cleaning, and propose the most appropriate treatment for your case.