Vladimir Putin said relations with the UAE had reached unprecedented levels as he was greeted with a flypast and Russian flags despite an international warrant for his arrest.

Vladimir Putin meets Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan after landing in the UAE

Vladimir Putin meets Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan after landing in the UAE. 

Putin’s meeting with Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the UAE’s president, came as the Kremlin hailed Russia’s “main economic partner in the Arab world”.

The Russian president, who has been largely isolated since the war in Ukraine, was greeted with fanfare. He is wanted for the abduction of children in Ukraine by the International Criminal Court, to which the UEA is not a signatory.

At 2pm local time, he was taken to the palace of the sheikh in a presidential convoy as military helicopters flew overhead.

Seven fighter jets flew past in formation for two passes overhead trailing the white, blue and red of the Russian flag.
Seven fighter jets flew past in formation for two passes overhead trailing the white, blue and red of the Russian flag. - KREMLIN.RU/REUTERS

“Today, thanks to your posture, our relations have reached unprecedented levels,” Putin told Mr Nahyan on his arrival, praising high trade between the countries.

Outside the Qasr al-Watan palace, security was tight. Three soldiers shouted at the Telegraph’s taxi to turn away from the gates as Putin and a cavalcade of armoured Jeeps arrived.

On either side of a stretching drive leading through to the palace was a mounted guard of honour. Half of the rifle-armed men in national dress sat on horses, the other on camels; all carried either the Russian or the UAE flag.

As Putin entered the compound of the palace, which has a 121-foot diameter dome and a chandelier with 350,000 pieces of crystal, seven fighter jets flew past in formation for two passes overhead. Behind them trailed the white, blue and red of the Russian flag. The tricolour of the ostracised state hung above the Abu Dhabi skyline, as a volley of gunfire announced Putin’s arrival.

The 71-year-old autocrat was visibly delighted after witnessing the show put on in his honour.

“Thank you very much, it’s so beautiful,” he said. When Putin was asked about his mood, he replied, “Great! It was good, it got even better!”

The visit comes as Putin’s forces are on the front foot in Ukraine and Western military support appears to be waning.

On a rare visit outside of the former Soviet Union, the Russian president is also expected to meet Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia later on Wednesday.

He will then host Ebrahim Raisi, the president of Iran, in Moscow on Thursday, Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, said.

Trade and oil will be on the agenda in the UAE, which is “Russia’s main economic partner in the Arab world”, according to a statement issued by the Kremlin ahead of the visit.

Putin will also discuss the situation in Syria and Yemen, and broader issues such as ensuring stability in the Gulf, the Kremlin said. A Kremlin aide said Ukraine would also be discussed.

This is the Russian leader’s third trip outside the former Soviet Union since he invaded Ukraine, after visits to Iran and China.

The Russian president has since March been wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, which has accused him of unlawfully deporting Ukrainian children.

Putin skipped the BRICS summit in South Africa in August to avoid causing a “political show” and did not attend the G20 summit in September in person.