Hours after a senior U.S. official told ABC News that Israeli fighter aircraft struck an air defense radar site inside Iran, top U.S. and Israeli officials on Friday declined to publicly acknowledge the incident in an apparent move aimed at de-escalating the situation and keeping Iran from retaliating.

The radio silence was notable after weeks of U.S. officials publicly urging Israel to show restraint.

At the end of a G7 foreign ministers meeting in Capri, Italy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was asked why he wouldn't address what happened overnight.

The reporter also asked, "Isn’t it important that you do so? Can you tell us if you’ve spoken to your Israeli counterparts?"

Blinken replied, "I'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying, again, I'm not going to speak to what's been reported -- other than to say that the United States has not been involved in any offensive operations."

"The United States, along with our partners, will continue to work for de-escalation," he added.

PHOTO: Secretary of State Antony Blinken holds a press conference at the end of the G7 foreign ministers meeting on Capri Island, Italy, Apr. 19, 2024. (Remo Casilli/Reuters)
PHOTO: Secretary of State Antony Blinken holds a press conference at the end of the G7 foreign ministers meeting on Capri Island, Italy, Apr. 19, 2024. (Remo Casilli/Reuters)

But even as Blinken defelcted, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani seemed reveal that Israel gave the US a heads up before the strike.

“They were – [the] United States -- were informed the last minute, but there was no involvement on the part of the United States it was simply information which was provided,” Tajani said.

According to a senior U.S. official, three missiles were fired early Thursday local time from Israeli fighter aircraft outside of Iran. The target was an air defense radar site near Isfaha that helps to protect a nearby nuclear facility.

The limited strike was believed to show Iran that Israel has the ability to cause real damage, but at the same time not provoke Iran.

Iran called the Israeli strike a dramatic exaggeration by the media. In a meeting at the United Nations, Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian said "the downed micro-aerial vehicle did not cause any financial or life damage."

The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed not damage was done to the Natanz nuclear facility.

Shuki Friedman of the Jewish People Policy Institute, a former head of the Iran sanctions program for the Israeli prime minister's office, likened the strike to Israel sending Iran a "text message."

"Israel sent the message that 'we can reach anywhere,'" and to "demonstrate capabilities of a much more meaningful attack," Friedman said.

PHOTO: A man crosses a street as motorists drive past a billboard depicting Iranian ballistic missiles in service in Tehran, Apr. 19, 2024.  (AFP via Getty Images)
PHOTO: A man crosses a street as motorists drive past a billboard depicting Iranian ballistic missiles in service in Tehran, Apr. 19, 2024. (AFP via Getty Images)

Mick Mulroy, a former deputy secretary of defense for the Middle East and an ABC News national security and defense contributor, agreed the attack was carefully calibrated.

"I believe the Israeli's are determined to show Iran that it could target a sensitive facility in Iran, but did so in a manner not to provoke a response," he said

"They also with the notable exception of their national security minister chose not to publicly discuss (the incident) as that would of been counterproductive to trying to contain and deescalate the situation," Mulroy added.

The U.S. appeared to be doing the same.

At the Pentagon, aides on Thursday were teleworking or declared themselves busy with no plans to brief reporters. The State Department, too, was quiet.

Such a slow pace can be typical in Washington for a Friday, as staffers eye the exits for an early weekend.

But the quiet hallways were noteworthy, given that a close U.S. ally had just launched a direct attack on Iran and no comment was to be found.

At the White House, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, who briefed reporters at length throughout the week, was not at the podium for the daily press briefing.

When pressed by reporters about whether declining comment was part of an administration strategy to de-escalate, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre would say she was going to be “super mindful” in her remarks.

“I understand the interest and I'm going to be disappointing many people here. This afternoon, I just don't have anything to share,” she said.

She added that “more generally,” the U.S. has been clear “we do not want to see this conflict escalate.”

One U.S. official who declined to discuss any detailed offered this assessment of the unusual silence so long as they were granted anonymity: "In the end, we're trying to stop a war here."

Blinken says U.S. not involved in "any offensive operations" when asked about Iran

G7 foreign ministers meet on Italian island of Capri.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken repeatedly declined to confirm a reported Israeli attack on Iran on Friday, saying Washington has not been involved in any offensive operations and it was committed to de-escalating tensions in the region.

"I'm not going to speak to that except to say that the United States has not been involved in any offensive operations," Blinken said at a news conference capping a gathering of G7 foreign ministers on the southern Italian island of Capri.

"What we're focused on, what the G7 is focused on, and again, it's reflected in our statement, and in our conversation, is our work to de-escalate tensions, to de-escalate from any potential conflicts," Blinken said.

The top U.S. diplomat kept repeating the same response, almost verbatim, when he was asked about the issue several times at the news conference.

At a separate news conference moments before Blinken, Italy's Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said the United States was "informed at the last minute" but did not elaborate.

Explosions echoed over the Iranian city of Isfahan in the early hours of Friday in what sources described as an Israeli attack, but Tehran played down the incident and indicated it had no plans for retaliation - a response that appeared gauged towards averting region-wide war.

Israel said nothing about the incident. It had said for days it was planning to retaliate against Iran for Saturday's strikes, the first direct attack on Israel by Iran in decades of shadow war waged by proxies which has escalated throughout the Middle East during six months of battle in Gaza.

Middle East - Blinken calls for calm after ‘Israel attacks Iran’ as man arrested over embassy bomb threat

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called for calm after an alleged Israeli drone strike on Iran that was launched in retaliation to last week’s Iranian strike on Israel.

As a result of the attack, which has not been claimed by Israel, Tehran was forced to activate its air defence system above the city of Isfahan, home of sites linked to Iran’s nuclear programme, in the early hours of Friday.

Speaking at a news conference in Capri during a Group of Seven (G7) ministerial meeting, Mr Blinken said later in the day: “What we’re focused on, what the G7 is focused on, and again, it’s reflected in our statement, and in our conversation, is our work to de-escalate tensions, to de-escalate from any potential conflicts.”

Meanwhile, armed police descended on the area of Iran’s consulate in Paris on Friday as a man was arrested over an alleged bomb threat to the embassy.

A police source said the suspect was seen at about 11am local time entering the embassy, carrying what appeared to be a grenade and explosive vest. However, on being searched he was found not to be carrying any explosives.

Key Points

  • ‘More like toys’: Iran downplays Isfahan drone strike

  • Blinken says US not involved in Israeli strike on Iran, calls for calm

  • Man threatens to blow himself up at French Iran consulate

  • Iran fires air defence batteries in provinces as explosions heard near Isfahan

  • UK government urges de-escalation

  • ‘Material losses’ reported in Syria, state-run media says

  • Iran's nuclear facilities remain unharmed, state TV says

One killed and six jured after explosion at Iranian-aligned Iraqi army unit in Baghdad

04:36 , Shweta Sharma

An explosion rocked an Iraqi military base that was housing pro-Iranian paramilitaries late on Friday, security sources said.

One Popular Mobilization Forces fighter was killed and six were wounded, two sources at a hospital in the nearby city of Hilla told Reuters.

The explosion hit the Kalso military base of Iraq’s PMF, 50km (30 miles) south of Baghdad. The base was used by the former pro-Iranian paramilitary group Hashed al-Shaabi which has been now integrated into the regular army. It is also referred to as the Popular Mobilization Forces.

“The blast has caused material damage and injuries,” PMF said in a statement, adding that a team was investigating.

The two security sources said it was not known who was responsible for the air strike. A US official said there had been no US military activity in Iraq.

The attack near the Iraqi capital of Baghdad came a day after strikes at an Iranian military base in Isfahan.

‘More like toys’: Iran downplays Isfahan drone strike

04:08 , Shweta Sharma

Iran has downplayed the overnight drone strike on Isfahan and dismissed its links to Israel while mocking the drones as “more like toys”.

Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian told NBC News that the drones took off from inside Iran and flew for a few hundred metres before being downed.

He mocked the attack, saying: “They’re ... more like toys that our children play with, not drones.”

“It has not been proved to us that there is a connection between these and Israel,” he said, adding that Iran was investigating the matter but that media reports were not accurate, according to Tehran’s information.

Israel has not officially claimed responsibility for the attack after reports of explosions in Isfahan province.

Iranian media and officials described a small number of explosions, which they said resulted from air defenses hitting three drones over Isfahan in central Iran in the early hours of Friday. They referred to the incident as an attack by “infiltrators”, rather than by Israel, obviating the need for retaliation.

Watch again as Antony Blinken speaks from G7 summit after strikes on Iran

04:00 , Tara Cobham

Watch: Antony Blinken speaks from G7 summit after Israel carries out strikes on Iran

Rishi Sunak calls for ‘calm heads’ as Israel suspected to have launched attack on Iran

03:00 , Tara Cobham

Rishi Sunak has called for “calm heads to prevail” as Britain has urged de-escalation following Israel’s suspected retaliatory attack on Iran – with explosions heard near a major military airbase.

While foreign secretary David Cameron met with his G7 counterparts in Italy to discuss easing tensions in the Middle East on Friday, Tehran was forced to activate its air defence system above the city of Isfahan, which is also home to sites associated with Iran’s nuclear programme.

Asked about the emerging reports on Sky News, a government minister said the UK accepts Israel’s “absolute right to defend itself” – but insisted Britain was “very firmly engaged in counselling de-escalation and moderation at this particular moment”.

Andy Gregory reports:

UK government urges de-escalation as Israel launches attack on Iran

White House says it has ‘no comment’ on reports of Israel’s attack in Iran overnight

02:00 , Tara Cobham

The White House has no comment on reports of Israeli attacks in Iran overnight, White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said on Friday.

The lack of comment is departure for a White House that routinely weighs in on the latest developments in Israel conflict.

Recap: Watch as explosions heard and blast of light seen over Iranian city in suspected Israeli attack

01:00 , Tara Cobham

Editorial: Israel and Iran must not let these violent skirmishes turn into war

Saturday 20 April 2024 00:00 , Tara Cobham

Is this not how wars start? Conventionally, one sovereign state deliberately bombing the embassy of another sovereign state in a third country would be a reason to go to war, and a lawful one.

This is indeed what happened on 1 April, when Israel destroyed a building within the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, Syria. Iran, however, did not declare war in true 19th-century style. It instead launched a huge one-night bombardment of assorted missiles at Israel, almost all of which were dealt with before they could land through intervention by Israel and other, friendly, air forces, with the fabled Iron Dome anti-missile defence system working impeccably.

Again, even though the Iranian assault turned out to be more a show of Israeli than Iranian strength, that attempted bombardment would at least notionally serve as a perfectly adequate casus belli for Israel. Yet it provoked Israel “only” to retaliate via a precisely targeted aerial assault on a Revolutionary Guard airbase and munitions store – more than likely from whence the Iranians had dispatched their own drones towards Israel days before.

Read more here:

Israel and Iran must not let these violent skirmishes turn into war

Watch: Sunak calls for ‘calm heads’ to prevail after reports of Israel attack on Iran

Friday 19 April 2024 23:00 , Tara Cobham

US defense secretary spoke with Israeli counterpart on Friday, Pentagon says

Friday 19 April 2024 22:14 , Tara Cobham

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke with Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant on Friday, the Pentagon said, adding that they discussed efforts to maintain regional stability, among other issues.

French and Lebanese leaders discuss effort to quell Hezbollah and Israel clashes

Friday 19 April 2024 22:00 , Tara Cobham

French President Emmanuel Macron met Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati and the country's army chief Joseph Aoun in Paris on Friday for talks on how to end cross-border fighting between Hezbollah and Israel and ease a political stalemate in Lebanon.

A statement from Mikati's office said he discussed with Macron a French proposal to end cross-border fighting that envisions increased support for the Lebanese army and the withdrawal of Hezbollah fighters from within 10 km (six miles) of the border.

Mikati thanked Macron for his efforts "to stop the Israeli aggression against Lebanon and support the army with equipment and expertise to enable it to fully carry out its tasks," the statement said.

Iran-backed Hezbollah and the Israeli army have engaged in clashes across the Lebanese border since the Israel-Hamas war broke out on Oct. 7, marking their most serious hostilities since a war between them in 2006.

The fighting has fuelled concern about the risk of further escalation.

Macron and Mikati also discussed the need to elect a new president more than 1-1/2 after former President Michel Aoun left office, deepening political paralysis as Lebanon continues to suffer from an acute financial crises, the statement from Mikati's office said.

Israel ‘carries out strikes on Iran’ as Western allies urge restraint

Friday 19 April 2024 21:00 , Tara Cobham

The bitter confrontation between Israel and Iran has reached new, dangerous levels after Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is believed to have carried out strikes inside the Islamic Republic following the mass drone and missile assault six days ago.

The attacks in Isfahan are said to have targeted a military airbase next to one of Iran’s most important nuclear plants, adding to fears of a conflict spiralling out of control as Tehran threatened it will target Israeli nuclear facilities if any Iranian ones are hit.

The Iranian government, however, tried to play down the attack, saying no damage had been done and that it had no plans, for the time being, to retaliate.

Kim Sengupta and Alex Ross report:

Israel ‘carries out strikes on Iran’ as Western allies urge restraint

Isfahan drone attack ‘carried out by secret Israeli agents within Iran’, officials fear

Friday 19 April 2024 20:00 , Tara Cobham

The attack in Isfahan, taking the confrontation between Israel and Iran to a new level of danger, may well have been carried out by drones flown by secret agents inside the country, according to officials in Tehran.

Israel has not commented on the strike, nor have any details been given by the US administration of the weapons used. However, if the drones were, indeed, launched from inside Iran, it is an indication of the extensive scale and scope of Israel’s covert operations in the Islamic Republic using assassinations, sabotage and raids on secret treasure troves of documents.

The Biden administration has repeatedly asked Benjamin Netanyahu’s government not to carry out a major attack on Iran for fear of causing a full-blown conflict. A limited strike like the one on Isfahan, possibly triggered inside Iran, would have assuaged some of that concern.

World Affairs Editor Kim Sengupta reports:

Drone attack ‘carried out by secret Israeli agents within Iran,’ officials fear

Iraq expresses deep concern over attack targeting Iran's Isfahan, state news agency says

Friday 19 April 2024 19:00 , Tara Cobham

Iraq expressed its deep concern over the attack targeting the city of Isfahan in central Iran, warning of the dangers of military escalation, the Iraqi state news agency said on Friday.

What Israel’s strike inside Iran tells us about Netanyahu

Friday 19 April 2024 18:07 , Tara Cobham

The conflict between Israel and Iran, fought out often in secret and through proxies, has now erupted with Israel carrying out strikes deep inside Iran six days after Tehran’s attack with more than 350 drones and missiles.

Explosions were heard near the central city of Isfahan, which has a large airbase, a major missile production complex and number of nuclear facilities.

Videos from the city showed orange flashes in the night sky, along with sounds of what appeared to be sustained bursts of anti-aircraft artillery.

World Affairs Editor Kim Sengupta reports:

What Israel’s strike inside Iran tells us about Netanyahu - Analysis

Mini drones did not cause any damage or casualties in Isfahan, says Iran’s foreign minister

Friday 19 April 2024 16:55 , Tara Cobham

The mini drones did not cause any damage or casualties in Isfahan, Iran’s foreign minister has said.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian claimed the lack of impact comes despite pro-Israeli media attempting to portray a defeat as a victory, according to state media.

In pictures: Alleged Israeli missile debris found in Iraq

Friday 19 April 2024 16:50 , Tara Cobham


Ukraine and Israel aid packages head for House vote in defiance of GOP far right

Friday 19 April 2024 16:33 , Tara Cobham

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to advance the process of passing a large foreign aid package before a final debate and vote set to take place on Saturday.

A bipartisan majority voted for the debate rule on four bills on sending aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as a fourth bill on fresh sanctions on Russia and the possible banning of TikTok in the US.

The foreign aid package passed the procedural hurdle by a margin of 316 to 94.

Gustaf Kilander reports:

Ukraine and Israel aid packages head for House vote in defiance of GOP far right

How many nuclear weapons do Israel and Iran have amid fears of wider conflict

Friday 19 April 2024 15:51 , Tara Cobham

On Friday morning, Iranians walked down the streets of Tehran next to posters adorning the country’s national flag with three depictions of missiles being fired from it.

“Israel is as weak as a spider web”, one poster read. Just hours before, explosions were heard over an airbase 200 miles south of the city in Isfahan.

Tehran’s defences had shot down three drones launched from over 1,200 miles away in Israel - said to be part of Netanyahu’s “response” for an earlier attack by Iran which saw over 300 missiles and drones fired at the Jewish state.

Alexander Butler reports:

How many nuclear weapons do Israel and Iran have?

Blinken says US not involved in Israeli strike on Iran, calls for calm

Friday 19 April 2024 15:28 , Tara Cobham

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US played no role in an Israeli drone strike on Iran that was retaliation for last week’s Iranian strike on Israel.

Speaking at a news conference in Capri during a Group of Seven ministerial meeting, Mr Blinken repeatedly declined to answer questions about the Israeli strike.

Instead, he repeated a statement indicating that the US was not involved.

Andrew Feinberg reports:

Blinken says US not involved in Israeli strike on Iran, calls for calm

Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers hold phone call, Turkish source says

Friday 19 April 2024 15:14 , Tara Cobham

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Friday spoke by phone to his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amirabdollahian at Iran's request to discuss regional developments, a Turkish diplomatic source said.

The source did not provide further details.

Man arrested at Iranian consulate in Paris found not to be carrying explosives

Friday 19 April 2024 14:58 , Tara Cobham

French police on Friday arrested a man who had threatened to blow himself up at Iran's consulate in Paris, but on being searched was found not to be carrying any explosives.

A police source told Reuters the man was seen at about 11am local time entering the consulate, carrying what appeared to be a grenade and explosive vest. Police cordoned off the area.

The man later left the consulate and was then arrested, a police source said. The TV channel BFM said he had been carrying replica grenades.

A police source said it was the same man who had been suspected of attempted arson near the Iranian consulate in an incident last September.

Le Parisien newspaper said on its website that, according to several witnesses, the man had dragged flags on the floor of the consulate and said he wanted to avenge the death of his brother.

It was unclear whether the incident had any link to current tensions between Iran and Israel.

The US embassy in Paris asked Americans to avoid the area, following similar recommendations by French police.

Police officers patrol near the Iranian consulate in Paris on Friday (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Police officers patrol near the Iranian consulate in Paris on Friday (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Motives of man detained at Iranian consulate in Paris not immediately clear

Friday 19 April 2024 14:41 , Tara Cobham

The motives of the man detained at the Iranian consulate in Paris have not been immediately clear.

Officers are verifying the identity of the suspect, a Paris police official, who was speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to be publicly named under police policy, told The Associated Press.

The official said police launched a special operation as soon as they were alerted to a report of a suspicious man possibly carrying a grenade and explosives vest.

No explosions have been reported, they added.

Images on French television and social media showed police surrounding the building.

The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions in the Middle East.

Analysis: Netanyahu shows he is prepared to escalate conflict

Friday 19 April 2024 14:41 , Jane Dalton

A mis-step by either side may trigger the law of unintended consequences, writes Kim Sengupta:

By striking inside Iran, Irael has shown it’s prepared for escalation - Analysis

In pictures: Man who allegedly threatened to blow himself up at Iran‘s consulate in Paris arrested

Friday 19 April 2024 14:23 , Tara Cobham

French police secure the area near Iran consulate after a man had threatened to blow himself up in Paris on Friday (REUTERS)
French police secure the area near Iran consulate after a man had threatened to blow himself up in Paris on Friday (REUTERS)
A man who had allegedly threatened to blow himself up at Iran‘s consulate in Paris has been arrested by police (REUTERS)
A man who had allegedly threatened to blow himself up at Iran‘s consulate in Paris has been arrested by police (REUTERS)
French police and firefighters secure the area near Iran consulate where a man is threatening to blow himself up in Paris (REUTERS)
French police and firefighters secure the area near Iran consulate where a man is threatening to blow himself up in Paris (REUTERS)

Police arrest man in Paris Iran consulate incident

Friday 19 April 2024 14:16 , Tara Cobham

French police arrested a man who had threatened to blow himself up at Iran's consulate in Paris, police said on Friday.

A police source had told Reuters the man was seen at about 11 am (0900 GMT) entering the consulate, carrying what appeared to be a grenade and explosive vest.

The man exited the consulate and was being searched by special police forces and was not actually carrying explosives, a police source said.

French police earlier cordoned off the Iranian consulate, Reuters reporters saw.

Blinken refuses to confirm Israeli attack

Friday 19 April 2024 14:10 , Jane Dalton

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has repeatedly declined to confirm the reported Israeli attack on Iran, saying Washington has not been involved in any offensive operations and it was committed to de-escalating tensions.

“I’m not going to speak to that except to say that the United States has not been involved in any offensive operations,” Blinken said following a gathering of G7 foreign ministers.

Italy’s Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said the US was “informed at the last minute” but did not elaborate.

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Area cordoned off in Paris after arrest

Friday 19 April 2024 14:07 , Alex Ross

France’s elite BRI intervention brigade responded to the incident in the city’s 16th district.

Neighbouring streets have been cordoned off, and the Paris metro has been suspended in the nearby area.

Man threatens to blow himself up at French Iran consulate

Friday 19 April 2024 13:35 , Jane Dalton

A man threatened to blow himself up near the Iran consulate in Paris. French police and members of special police forces removed him.


Watch: Hamas blocks ceasefire, Antony Blinken says

Friday 19 April 2024 13:10 , Jane Dalton

Israeli ‘aggression’ on Iran is an escalation against the region, Hamas says

Friday 19 April 2024 12:46 , Alexander Butler

Israel’s “aggression” on Iran is an escalation against the region, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said amid reports of an Israeli drone strike at an Iranian military site.

The Hamas terror group is part of the Iran-led “Axis of Resistance,” along with Lebanon’s Hezbollah and groups in Syria and Iraq.

The axis comprises a group of proxies across Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine, coordinated by Iran’s Quds Force, the foreign arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The Quds Force’s aim is to export Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution abroad. The US assassinated the former head of the Quds Force, Qassem Solemaini, in January 2020.

Watch: Explosions seen over Iran as Israel launches missile attack

Friday 19 April 2024 12:19 , Alexander Butler