UKRAINE’S KILLER CRAB:  Polish-designed ‘Krab’ self-propelled 155mm howitzer in action in Ukraine.

Poland has 170,000 troops, thousands among whom fought many times alongside the US in the last 20 years.

Russia’s “million troops’” 900,000 army of ill-equipped peasants (can be said such, as Russia is the most feudal-remnant country in Europe) with guns from thr “Great Patriotic War” and tanks from the Soviet era. Russia has been severely militarily crippled by the on-going War of Aggression against Ukraine. It’ll not be able to wage war against the west at-least until the 2030s.

Until that time Poland’s about to recieve and possibly produce 1000 K2 Korean tanks & 250 American Abrams tanks, introduce another 50–100,000 troops into the Armed Forces, expand it’s now slim fleet & buy and place a plethora of air defenses (patriots etc.).

How would Poland’s army fare? And how have we always fared when in a 1v1 against Russia? 🇷🇺💀☠️ I’ll let the battles of Kłuszyno(1610) & Orsha(1514), and the Miracle on the Vistula (1920) answer that question.

Russia will not in the near future have the numbers to effectively put the traditional fact of “Quality trumps quantity” to the test. Unless ofc Putin wants to kill off russia’s male population for some stupid reason. We’d endulge him with a reluctant smile.

In Ukraine, the Russians thought they’d recieve a warm welcome with flowers and cheers… they didn't.

Since they know not to expect any such fantasy in Poland, you can all imagine how we Poles would actually respond…


With that said; I do so encourage Russians to just f*ck off, and live in peace as Christ demanded