Because many radically anti-China people never visited China before. They know nothing about the real China. They hear about China from the US-led media only.

However, US politicians+media are radically anti-China. Why? China is rising which, in US words, threatens USA #1 status on world stage (mentality of gossiper/loser).

In a democratic election where politicians depend on votes, they all become actors by using tough words to stir audience's emotion of hatred & fear of China.

Baerbock was never to China before. While in China, she was shown a joint China-Germany factory. Let her see with her own eyes that Germany has trade surplus with China. Why throw away $$$ ie economy for an empty ideology eg democracy?

Politicians' anti-China on mouth = anti-Germany in economy = anti-Germans' livelihood/tummy.

I always said: there should be laws to make (populous) politicians responsible for destroying their economy based on an ideology. Blindly support a foreign slogan should be considered as treason. Force politicians to analyze the pros & cons before they open their mouth.

Diplomat Wang Yi also met Baerbock. Wang reminded Baerbock that CHINA SUPPORTED REUNIFICATION OF EAST-WEST GERMANY. Germany should also support China-Taiwan reunification.

Behind the scene, Baerhock is reasonable. But in front of press, Baerbock returned to her acting career & full of tough talk against China. ... 2 faces of Baerbock.

On 2023/4/15 Foreign Minister Qin Gang & Baerbock have a joint press meeting.

Baerbock: Germany recognizes ONE CHINA principle but is concerned of Taiwan stability.

Qin: you just said ONE CHINA. ONE = Taiwan is part of China = Taiwan is China's internal affairs = nobody should interfere.

Qin: Why Taiwan has problem? Separatists. Since Germany is concerned of Taiwan stability, then dont support Taiwan independence.

(I add) No country tolerate secession. What about your country?

If Pelosi did not go to Taiwan in Aug 2022 or McCarthy did not meet Tsai in April 2023, there would not be Chinese military drills near Taiwan. Who is the culprit?

Baerbock then talked about human rights in Xinjiang.

Qin: German ambassador in China is free to go to Xinjiang. Did your ambassador tell you any problem?

(I add) German Volkswagen has a factory in Xinjiang. The CEO attested he did not see any forced labor or genocide.

Baerbock said human rights is universal. It is in UN charter.

Qin: (UN says) each country can go by their own situation, history & culture. It is people there who know if they are happy or not. Not outsiders. (I add) Traveling may make you happy. To a hungry person, a hamburger is enough to make him happy. Why dictate others' happiness?

Learn anything? Populous politicians throw in moral high grounds but talk empty. They cannot refute when you show them logic. Dont dream they have ability to analyze the damage to German economy if they blindly follow USA to decouple China. They can only act to fool voters.