Bath classic car restorations from Dillybrook where our team has decades of experience restoring, repairing, servicing, and maintaining classic cars. No job is too big or small.  Call 01373 831254

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Dillybrook Classic Cars you one stop shop for everything classic cars near Bath. Bath classic car restorations, servicing, repairs & maintenance.
Bath classic car restorations from Dillybrook where our team has decades of experience restoring, repairing, servicing and maintaining classic cars. No job is too big or small. Call 01373 831254

We’re just like you. Once you catch the car bug it’s hard to turn back. Whether it was the speed, the styling, the memories, or just the smell of burning rubber, we all got hooked for a reason. Dillybrook Classic Cars was established by enthusiasts to meet the needs of other enthusiasts. It is a one stop shop that has all your needs covered with an honest affordable labour rate of just £60 per hour including VAT.