We have seen that in so many aspects of life, bad and good are relative terms and the same applies to health in horoscopes.

Horoscopes have been used over centuries to explain different aspects of life such as health. In astrology the zodiac signs provide information regarding physical and psychological health of individuals through positions of the planets and their impacts on the human body. When looking for information that concerns your health, getting the best astrologer from Edmonton can be very helpful since he has to rely on your zodiac chart.

1. Strong Placement of the Ascendant (1st House)

In astrology the first house is also known as ascendant or Lagna, and it deals with the physical structure. The benefits of the Ascendant are comparative ease, pleasures, comforts and usually a strong Ascendant with the forces of Jupiter or Venus etc are indicative of robust health. The sign on the cusp is also controlled by the ruling planet of the Ascendant and also governs physical well-being severely. A native of Edmonton can ask an astrologer to present his or her understanding of the health state of your Ascendant.

2. Favourable Position of the Sun

Piecemeal the Sun parameters the favoured position of the Sun is defined as the period of time during or after which there is enhancement of the social assets of the society and persons in relation to diminishment of the personal vices of the persons in the society.

Sun stands for the living energy, the life force or the life current that animates something. Health wise, the position of the Sun, if well placed in the birth chart is said to be very beneficial as far as strength and resistance to diseases are concerned. If the Sun is weak or is influenced adversely by Saturn or Rahu it may mean health issues which are required to be addressed.

3. The 6th House and Health

It is also worth noting that the 6th house in astrology is one of the most significant as it is associated with health, diseases and the immune system. Good 6th house people have good health whereas the poor placement of the 6th house may lead to health problems. One can seek remedies from the best astrologer in Edmonton if this house is afflicted, and personal health can be enhanced.


Consequently, the issue of health is among the areas of the chart that astrology provides insights through assessment of planetary impacts. Some people may wish to know the health prospects or health issues while others may want to seek solutions for any health issues with the help of an experienced astrologer in Edmonton.