Want to fall in love with your attractive smile? How often do you smile in public gatherings? Well, your beautiful smile is what people notice when they see you for the first time. Smile is the most eye-catching feature of a person and so, many people are now choosing dental veneers for good reason. Porcelain veneers are a great option when you want to regain your lost smile. You will be able to cover up dental imperfections and restore your confident smile. Composite veneers in London are among the most effective ways to repair your cracked, chipped and stained teeth. You should talk to a dentist before you decide to undergo the treatment.

Veneers are thin shells of ceramic or porcelain that will be bonded directly to the front surface of your teeth. When they are installed properly, dental veneers look like better version of your natural teeth. Dental veneers can be customized for your teeth and before getting them, there are certain things you need to know. Continue reading to get more information about them.

1. It is not one time visit to a dentist

You will not get the result of dental veneers treatment from a single visit to your dentist. So, you should not expect to get the perfect set of tooth after the first consultation. The procedure involves several steps. During the initial stage, your smile evaluation will be done to know if you are the right candidate for the prosthetics. There are times when dental bonding or teeth whitening may be less invasive solution to the problem you are facing.

2. It is possible to make temporary veneers

Once you consult with the dentist, he prepares a temporary veneer for you. These are made of liquid composite and usually serve as a blueprint for getting used to your new smile. This should be put in place to ensure you are satisfied with the final result. By choosing temporary veneers, you will be able to decide when you should proceed further or halt the procedure.

3. You do not get veneers on all the teeth

When you smile, people do not see your premolars and molars. Rather, the front teeth are visible only. So, you may think of doing it for your front teeth. You can also undergo dental veneers treatment for the tooth with grey cast or chipped teeth. The veneer should be fitted properly with natural teeth and this is sometimes difficult to achieve.

4. You may suffer from bonding sensitivity

Sometimes, there might be some reaction between the teeth and bonding cement following anesthesia which may last for almost six hours. Once the treatment is done, there will be an adjustment time period which usually lasts for a few days. Excess cement is the main cause of pain and you will have to visit a dentist for the removal.

5. Your gums will become sore

Gums become sore and reform around the new teeth. This is why gums require complete healing all the time. You may take pain relief medication like Ibuprofen to get rid of the discomfort and pain. Your gums should be healthy so that they appear pink and firm and do not bleed at the time of flossing or brushing. Also, they should not get swollen or sensitive. 

6. Veneers are a good investment

Dental veneers are a cosmetic method which is very costly because each veneer can be customised before preparing them. It is advisable that you consult with the dentist and know if you are the right candidate for the procedure before performing it.

7. Dental veneers are not forever

The lifespan of veneers will depend on how you will treat it. Veneers are usually meant to last for almost 15 years with proper care and maintenance. They may have to be removed and then replaced with a new set at some point of time.

8. You will get a new and customised smile

Customised dental veneers make it look like you have been born with them. This will give you the opportunity to find out what you do not like about your smile and put it into consideration during the design. The dentist collects your information to use it for prepared customised veneers which is usually image of your mouth. Then this image will be sent to the laboratory to prepare your new smile. 

9. Some tooth enamel is removed typically

When undergoing teeth veneers in London, there is a simple calculation in place. A small part of the enamel will be filled off by your dentist. The amount removed seems to be proportional with the thickness of veneer to install. There are thin veneers samples which don’t employ filling off the teeth enamel.

10. The procedure is not painful

Though it is possible to experience slight discomfort when getting veneers, the dentist administers anesthetics before removing the part of the enamel so that you do not feel the pain. Some dentists use nitrous oxide to take care of your dental phobia so that you do not worry at all.

11. They can crack and chip

Dental veneers may crack and chip like your teeth and so, you should be careful when wearing them. Avoid biting and grinding on hard foods as it can cause damage to your veneers. 

12. Dental veneers are not for everyone

You cannot get veneers because you want it. The dentist will examine your condition and then tell if you are the right candidate for dental veneers. Teeth decay may prevent you from getting veneers which makes you a good candidate for cosmetic dentistry options.

13. There can be some side effects

Dental veneers have some side effects though they are mostly tolerable.

14. See an experienced dentist

Cosmetic dentistry is very serious and so, it is important to get it from an experienced dentist only. Before taking your decision, make sure you see the gallery of both before and after photos of the work done. This will enable you to know whether you like the work before committing it to yourself.

15. Go for routine dental checkups

If you have the habit of skipping your dentist appointment, then you should not do it anyone after getting veneers. It is advisable that you see a dentist for routine checkups in every six months to know about your oral health. This will enable you to maintain your veneers for a long time. 

16. Practice the habit of flossing daily

Flossing is very important when you have dental veneers. It is advisable that you floss daily and get rid of bacteria from the mouth. By flossing, you will be able to eliminate all the dirt that your toothbrush cannot reach. This way, you can keep your mouth clean and healthy by preventing the attack of bacteria and germs. 

Dental veneers are what you will need to achieve your perfect smile and confident look. Once you are well informed about the procedure, you can take the right decision about whether you should go for the treatment. Make sure you ask your dentist about dental veneers cost in London when you need to perform it. So, dental veneers are really a great investment for your life.