Most people only have one pair of glasses, wear them every day, take good care of them, and can wear cheap eyeglasses near me for a longer time. However, even if the glasses are not broken, the refractive power may have changed.


The prescription form, also known as the optometry form, is required for wearing cheap eyeglasses near me, and the validity period of a pair of optometry documents means that if it exceeds this time, you will need to have a new optometry. Therefore, the general usage time of glasses is only that long, so don't expect a pair of glasses to be worn for too long, after all, using them every day, wind, rain, sun exposure, and our torment.


In addition to exceeding the expiration date, improper daily use, such as casually wiping dirty glasses, throwing them away if they are not worn, casually pulling and continuing to wear them if they are crooked, or taking them off with one hand, can directly or indirectly cause the glasses to deform or wear out the lenses.


So if you want to wear clothes and glasses for a longer time, in addition to maintaining healthy eye use and not letting the prescription increase too quickly, you also need to pay more attention to maintenance when wearing cheap eyeglasses near me, to avoid good glasses being scrapped soon due to frame deformation, breakage, or lens wear.


When purchasing glasses, pay attention to observing whether the surface of the lens is smooth; Whether there are scratches, stripes, bubbles, and particles; and whether the color, texture, and transparency of the lens are uniform.


Holding a lens in front of your eyes to observe distant scenery, if the scenery is clear, without deformation, and there is no change when moving slowly up, down, left, and right, it indicates good transparency and light uniformity of the lens.