When you wish to reach a destination in the real world, you ask for its address and you put the address in your GPS, however, the problem with this is that it is every destination has a public address and some destinations have a private address and 192.168 100.1 IP Address is one of these addresses. 

IP Address 192.168 100.1 is a private IP address which is very similar to what a lot of vendors use as the default gateway which is also a sort of VIP entrance and it will lead you to a control room of your router, the admin interface. 

Login Credentials that are Required for 192.168 100.1 IP Address 

Routers that utilize 192.168 100.1 and have set them as the default IP address will not allow any other person to get linked with the same local network as it would be a terrible cybersecurity risk. In place of this, they can protect the admin interface with the password and login name. Most of the manufacturers mostly use simple default login combinations expecting the users to change them to something more secure. 

There are some common passwords which are typically used by users such as:

  • user/user 

  • admin/password

  • admin/admin

  • admin/blank

  • admin/1234 

  • root/root 

If they do not work, you can have a look at the site Networksunit where all details will be offered to you in simple and easy words and you just need to navigate through the right section.