FILE PHOTO: Woman sits outside a shed as she waits for food rations at IDP camp on the outskirts of Maiduguri

The United Nations humanitarian agency is struggling to secure funding to combat severe food insecurity in Nigeria's insurgency-hit northeast, raising fears of mass hunger and deaths, its resident coordinator warned.

In April, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) launched a $306 million appeal alongside Nigeria on behalf of 2.8 million people in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states, regions ravaged by a 15-year Islamist insurgency, during the lean season, a period of peak food scarcity.

OCHA chief Mohamed Malick Fall told Reuters that, despite an initial $11 million commitment from Nigeria and another $11 million from the UN's central pool, the target remained far off due to reluctance among international donors.

"We are far from where we want to be. That is something we are confronted by even beyond the lean season which is that we have noticed that humanitarian assistance to Nigeria is shrinking," Fall said in an interview on Thursday.

Fall anticipates receiving only $300 million in the best-case scenario, a significant drop from the $500 million secured last year. He attributed the decline to the economic impact of COVID-19 on major donors.

Competition from new global crises has also diverted attention and resources.

"Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan have all emerged in the past two years which makes it difficult to maintain the same pace of funding," Fall said.

The situation is further exacerbated by Nigeria's worst cost-of-living crisis in a generation, with inflation exceeding 33% and food prices soaring above 40%.

OCHA warns of "catastrophic" consequences of food insecurity in Nigeria's northeast without immediate intervention.

UNICEF data from April already shows more than 120,000 children admitted for treatment of severe acute malnutrition in the region, exceeding the entire year's target of around 90,000.

"The cost of inaction has many folds with the most pressing being an excess mortality among children," Fall said.

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Nigeria's northeast has been facing a severe humanitarian crisis due to the ongoing Islamic insurgency, primarily led by Boko Haram and other militant groups. The insurgency has resulted in widespread displacement, destruction of infrastructure, and disruption of agricultural activities, leading to food shortages and heightened risks of hunger and malnutrition.

The conflict has also hindered access to humanitarian aid, making it challenging for relief organizations to reach those in need. The combination of violence, displacement, and lack of resources has left many people, especially women and children, vulnerable to severe hunger and related health issues.

Efforts by the Nigerian government, international organizations, and NGOs are ongoing to address the crisis, but the situation remains dire, requiring sustained attention and support to prevent mass hunger and potential deaths.

The perspective is valid, and many critics and analysts share the view that the Nigerian government’s response to the crisis in the northeast has been inadequate. Despite some efforts, several factors have contributed to the perception that the government is not doing enough:

  1. Inadequate Security Measures: The persistent presence of Boko Haram and other militant groups indicates that security measures have not been sufficient to protect civilians and stabilize the region.

  2. Limited Humanitarian Access: Government restrictions and bureaucratic hurdles have sometimes impeded the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need.

  3. Corruption and Mismanagement: Corruption and inefficiencies within various levels of government have diverted resources away from critical relief and reconstruction efforts.

  4. Insufficient Support for Displaced Persons: Internally displaced persons (IDPs) often live in dire conditions in camps, with inadequate access to food, clean water, healthcare, and education.

  5. Neglect of Agricultural Sector: The disruption of farming activities due to insecurity has not been adequately addressed, leading to prolonged food insecurity.

While there are ongoing efforts by the Nigerian government and international partners to address these issues, the scale and complexity of the crisis require more effective and comprehensive strategies. Increased accountability, better coordination with humanitarian agencies, and sustained focus on rebuilding and development are essential to improving the situation in Nigeria's northeast.

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The issue of political sponsorship of insurgency in Nigeria, particularly in the northeast, is a complex and sensitive topic. There have been numerous reports and allegations suggesting that some politicians and influential individuals might be providing support to militant groups like Boko Haram for various reasons, including political gain, economic interests, or power struggles. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Political Motivations: Some politicians may exploit insurgency and instability to undermine their rivals, gain political leverage, or control certain regions. This can lead to direct or indirect support for insurgent groups.

  2. Economic Interests: The illegal activities associated with insurgency, such as smuggling, kidnapping for ransom, and theft of natural resources, can be lucrative. Individuals with vested economic interests may have incentives to support or protect insurgent operations.

  3. Lack of Accountability: Weak governance and lack of accountability can enable corrupt officials to support or tolerate insurgent activities without facing significant consequences.

  4. Ethnic and Religious Dynamics: In some cases, ethnic and religious tensions can be exacerbated by political actors who manipulate these divides for their own benefit, indirectly fueling insurgency.

  5. Evidence and Investigations: While there have been numerous accusations and suspicions, concrete evidence proving direct involvement of specific politicians is often hard to come by, and thorough investigations are required to substantiate such claims.

Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including:

  • Strengthening Governance: Improving transparency, accountability, and governance at all levels to reduce the influence of corrupt and self-serving individuals.
  • Effective Law Enforcement: Enhancing the capacity of law enforcement and judicial systems to investigate and prosecute those involved in sponsoring insurgency.
  • Community Engagement: Involving local communities in peacebuilding and development efforts to address the root causes of insurgency.
  • International Cooperation: Collaborating with international partners to track and disrupt financial flows that support insurgent activities.

The situation in Nigeria's northeast is indeed complex and requires coordinated efforts from the government, civil society, and international community to achieve lasting peace and stability.

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The issue of internal compromise within the Nigerian military is indeed a significant challenge in addressing the insurgency in the northeast. Corruption, lack of morale, inadequate training, and insufficient equipment are some of the factors that have hindered the military's effectiveness. Here are some aspects to consider:

  1. Corruption: Reports of corruption within the military, such as the embezzlement of funds meant for operations and procurement of substandard equipment, have been persistent. This undermines the capacity of the military to conduct effective operations against insurgents.

  2. Infiltration: There have been allegations of insurgent infiltration within the ranks of the military, which can lead to compromised operations and intelligence leaks.

  3. Poor Morale and Welfare: Soldiers often face poor living conditions, delayed salaries, and lack of adequate support, leading to low morale. This can affect their performance and commitment to fighting insurgents.

  4. Inadequate Training and Equipment: Many units are undertrained and underequipped, making it difficult to effectively combat well-armed and organized insurgent groups.

  5. Leadership Issues: Inconsistent and sometimes ineffective leadership within the military has been a problem, affecting strategic planning and execution of counter-insurgency operations.

To address these issues, several steps could be taken:

  1. Reforming the Military: Comprehensive reforms aimed at improving transparency, accountability, and efficiency within the military are essential. This includes rigorous oversight of procurement processes and ensuring funds are used appropriately.

  2. Enhancing Training and Equipment: Investing in better training programs and providing adequate and modern equipment to the troops can improve their effectiveness on the ground.

  3. Improving Welfare: Ensuring that soldiers receive their salaries on time, have good living conditions, and access to medical care can boost morale and commitment.

  4. Strengthening Intelligence: Building a robust and reliable intelligence network to counter infiltration and gather actionable information on insurgent activities is crucial.

  5. International Support: While the international community can offer support in terms of training, intelligence sharing, and funding, the Nigerian government needs to ensure that this support is effectively utilized.

  6. Civil-Military Relations: Building trust between the military and local communities can enhance cooperation and support for military operations, making it harder for insurgents to operate.

While these steps are challenging and require significant political will, they are crucial for building a more effective and trustworthy military capable of addressing the insurgency and ensuring the safety and well-being of Nigeria's citizens.

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