A new report from an Iranian resistance group alleges that the Islamist regime has attempted to dodge U.S. sanctions on its nuclear programs by shifting personnel and resources to a university closely associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

"Ever since The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) exposed the Iranian regime’s previously undisclosed nuclear program in 2002 … the regime has persistently thwarted the IAEA’s efforts to uncover the full scope of its nuclear weapons ambitions," Alireza Jafarzadeh, deputy director of the Washington office of the NCRI told Fox News Digital.

"Our revelations have shown that Tehran’s nuclear program has always been about building the nuclear bomb, and it is run by the IRGC," he argued. "The weaponization part of the nuclear program has not only remained intact but has expanded and enhanced with no meaningful scrutiny." Jafarzadeh first revealed the details of Iran’s nuclear program in 2002.

The NCRI issued a report in which it discussed how Iran shifted its nuclear program personnel and resources placed on U.S. sanctions to the Islamic Azad University. The U.S. listed the Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND) on the international sanctions list, and university personnel asked researchers to "present their activities as being in service of front companies."

The NCRI claimed to have gathered its information through a network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization, known as the MEK, from inside Iran, including reports from inside "the regime entities."

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Iran's first functioning nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran, on April 28, 2024.
Iran's first functioning nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran, on April 28, 2024.

"In order to preserve SPND, the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) has attempted to create a new and better cover to continue its operations, ostensibly making it work on a series of advanced military cases in order to divert attention and lessen focus on its primary goal of making nuclear weapons," the report says.

Shortly before his sudden death, former Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi passed the SPND Act in April, ordering the Ministry of Defense to implement the plan within a month and make the SPND "an independent legal entity with the nature of a public institution and has financial, transactional and administrative independence."

Iran military parade
An Iranian military truck carries surface-to-air missiles past a portrait of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during a parade on the occasion of the country's annual army day on April 18, 2018 in Tehran, Iran.

The law also empowers the organization to act without needing to comply with the law of public accounting in Iran. According to the report, the Islamic Azad University system is located throughout the country and is one of the largest systems of universities in the world, counting over 1 million students and over 50,000 academic staff. The university was founded with the blessing of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayotallah Ruhollah Khomenei

"Use of Islamic Azad University for nuclear research is consistent with the regime's previous actions," the NCRI wrote.

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Iran Nuclear Program
Mohammad Ali Zolfigol, Minister of Science, Research and Technology on the right, speaks with Mohammad Mehdi Tehranchi, president of the Islamic Azad University, on April 14, 2023 in Tehran, Iran. Tehranchi was reportedly involved in the regime's nuclear warhead project.

The NCRI report ties several major figures at Islamic Azad University with the SPND, such as Mohammad Medhi Tehranchi, currently president of the university and formerly a professor of physics at Beheshti University with "close connections with SPND." Tehranchi was reportedly involved in the regime's nuclear warhead project and worked directly with Mohsen Fakhrizadeh who was seen as the father of the regime's nuclear weapons program.

The group also identified Jamshid Sabbaghzadeh, head of the university’s Science and Research Center, which is "the largest university research center in Iran." Previously, he worked on laser research and joined the Atomic Energy Organization and worked on nuclear enrichment.

Jafarzadeh lamented the "Western powers" policy of "appeasement," arguing that Iran has faced little punishment for its actions to avoid sanctions.

"In many ways, the Iranian regime leverages its nuclear program as a tool to blackmail the international community, demanding further concessions while simultaneously intensifying its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons," Jafarzadeh said.

"Tehran’s strategy has prevented decisive action against other aspects of its malevolent behavior, such as egregious human rights violations, terrorism, and hostage-taking, and belligerent interference throughout the Middle East," he added, insisting that at this stage the only way to create real change will come from within with regime change "led by the Iranian people and their organized resistance."

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US slaps sanctions on network it accuses of moving billions for Iran's military

U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo speaks at the Royal United Services Institute in London.

The United States on Tuesday imposed sanctions on nearly 50 entities and people it accused of moving billions of dollars for Iran's military.

The U.S. Treasury Department in a statement said those targeted on Tuesday constitute a "shadow banking network" used by Iran's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), both of which are under U.S. sanctions.

The network helped the MODAFL and IRGC - which earn money notably from the sale of oil and petrochemicals - gain access to the international financial system and process the equivalent of billions of dollars since 2020, the Treasury said.

The Treasury said the revenue generated by the MODAFL and IRGC through networks of Iranian exchange houses and foreign cover companies supported the provision of weapons and funding to Iran's proxy groups, including Yemen's Houthi group, and the transfer of drones to Russia for use in the war against Ukraine.

Washington has issued rafts of sanctions targeting Iranian drones and the Houthis, who have been launching drone and missile strikes in shipping lanes since November in what they say is solidarity with Palestinians in Israel's war in Gaza.

"We continue to work with allies and partners, as well as the global financial industry, to increase vigilance against the movement of funds supporting terrorism," Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said in the statement.

Iran's mission to the United Nations said the sanctions issued on Tuesday were part of the "economic war" against Iran.

“This is part of the economic war unjustly waged against the Iranian people by the United States. They have attacked, and we are defending ourselves accordingly. The outcome of this economic war will be determined by the strength of will, not by the capabilities of imposing sanctions," the mission said.

Tuesday's action targeted dozens of companies in Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and Marshall Islands, as well as Iran and Turkey-based firms.

The Treasury said the MODAFL Supply Division uses exchange houses in Iran that manage numerous cover companies registered in jurisdictions such as Hong Kong or the UAE to launder revenue, including from oil sales conducted by Sahara Thunder, which the U.S. imposed sanctions on in April.

The Treasury at the time accused Sahara Thunder of being a front company that oversees MODAFL's commercial activities in support of the IRGC and Russia's war in Ukraine, playing a key role in Iran's design, development, manufacture and sale of thousands of drones.

The move freezes the U.S. assets of banned companies and individuals, and generally bars Americans from dealing with them. Those that engage in certain transactions with them also risk being hit with sanctions.

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