A-10 Warthog vs. F-35

Comparative testing between the F-35 Lightning II and A-10 Thunderbolt II Warthog, conducted from 2018 to 2019, revealed that the F-35 did not outperform the A-10 in all categories.


This finding, obtained by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), surprised many given the advanced nature of the F-35 compared to the older A-10.

-The A-10, known for its ruggedness and close air support capabilities, remains a formidable platform.

Despite the Air Force's plans to retire the A-10 fleet, the F-35's advanced sensors, range, and weaponry position it as a capable but different CAS asset.

F-35 vs. A-10: Surprising Results from Comparative Testing Revealed

Comparative testing of the F-35 Lightning II and A-10 Thunderbolt II Warthog was conducted between 2018 to 2019. The process was publicly revealed only recently – the non-profit Project on Government Oversight (POGO) obtained a declassified copy of the report last year via the Freedom of Information Act. 

While many of the report’s details are heavily redacted, according to POGO the results indicate that the F-35 did not outperform the A-10 in every category. This was something of a surprise, given a fifth-generation platform was pitted against a Cold War-era counterpart. 

“The results were apparently not what the Air Force’s leaders expected, because they fought to hide them completely for years,” POGO stated, adding that “the information they did release does not paint a very positive picture of the F-35’s ability to fill the highly critical role the A-10 has performed capably in the United States’ last three major ground wars.”

The A-10 Warthog

The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II “Warthog” served as the Air Force’s primary ground-attack airframe for years. Fitted with an outer layer of titanium armor for extra protection from ground fire, this “titanium bathtub” provides extra survivability to its crew. 

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The aircraft is capable of loitering and operating under 1,000-foot ceilings and can take off and land from short-distance airfields. The A-10’s high payload capacity makes it an airborne bomb truck. 

Current Warthog iterations can use a vast array of conventional munitions, including laser-guided bombs, general purpose bombs, Joint Direct Attack Munitions, Sidewinders, and Mavericks. As explained by Military.com, the A-10’s GAU-8/A 30mm cannon is capable of firing 3,900 rounds per minute.

The F-35 Lightning II:

Although the A-10’s unique specs make it a prime airframe to carry out close air support (CAS) missions, the Lightning II fighter is also a good candidate for the role. Its fast speed, excellent maneuverability, and a 20 mm cannon make the Lockheed Martin fighter a good option. Analyst Kris Osborn has explained that the F-35 may not be as survivable as the A-10 in withstanding incoming small arms, but the platform’s range, advanced sensors, and formidable weapons will ensure the jet never needs to be as close to its ground targets as the Warthog. 


The Air Force is hoping to retire much of its remaining A-10 fleet over the next year. As tensions between Washington and Beijing continue to ramp up, the service is banking on the F-35 and the upcoming Next Generation Air Dominance sixth-generation fighter program. The Lightning II may not fully embody the legacy of the “titanium bathtub,” but it certainly should not be discounted for CAS missions.

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