The terrorist mastermind behind Hamas' massacre of nearly 1,200 people, including over 30 Americans, is believed to be using hostages as human shields to hold off Israeli soldiers seeking to capture him in a tunnel deep below Gaza.

The shocking information about Hamas kingpin Yahya Sinwar was revealed by Gen. Jack Keane, FOX News Channel senior strategic analyst and former U.S. army vice chief of staff, in an interview with Sky News Australia on Thursday.

Yahya Sinwar speaks on stage while pointing.
Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar speaks to a crowd.

"My sources tell me that Sinwar, who is the number one leader in Gaza of the Hamas organization, has 15-20 hostages protecting him and his family," Keane said. "That’s why they have these hostages, to guarantee their survival. Israel is absolutely right in putting military pressure on them to force the release of the hostages."

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Keane’s revelation coincides with statements by Israel’s national security adviser, Tzachi Hanegbi, in an interview with Israeli news outlet Channel 12 on Saturday that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) nearly killed Sinwar. Hanegbi said Sinwar "is living on borrowed time," and that "he won’t emerge alive from this confrontation."

Israel is offering a $400,000 bounty for the capture of Sinwar. In December, Israel dropped leaflets on Gaza offering rewards for information about the location of Hamas’ top leadership.

Hanegbi said the IDF was close to killing Sinwar over the last few months. "It is apparently hard for [Sinwar] to make a decision [regarding a hostage agreement] that is likely to mean the end of Hamas rule," noted Hanegbi, who added that "because the minute he gives up on the highly significant card for his survival, our hostages, it’s not easy for him, and that’s why things are delayed."

Sinwar walking on stage while greeting a crowd.
Terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar waves during a rally.

The citizenship composition of the hostages being used by Sinwar – in violation of international humanitarian law – is unclear. Five Americans are believed to be among the more than 100 hostages held by Hamas.

Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, and as part of its slaughter of roughly 1,200 people, the terrorist group took over 200 hostages into Gaza. A November hostage deal secured the freedom of more than 100 hostages, mostly women and children, in exchange for Israel’s release of dozens of Palestinian terrorists.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced a military operation into Rafah – the last major city controlled by Hamas and where Sinwar is believed be hiding with his hostages. Israel’s security objective is also to destroy the tunnels between Egypt and Rafah that enable Hamas to smuggle in weapons.

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Sinwar speaking at a rally.
Israel is offering a $400,000 bounty for the capture of Yahya Sinwar.

The Biden administration has thus far opposed Israel’s war plan to defeat Hamas in Rafah because of concerns of civilian deaths.

Hamas retains four battalions in Rafah coupled with thousands of terrorist fighters. While the Rafah operation looms, complex negotiations are unfolding in Cairo and may slow the pace of Israel’s efforts to root out Hamas terrorists in the city populated with more than a million Palestinians.

David Wurmser, a former senior adviser for nonproliferation and Middle East strategy for former Vice President Dick Cheney, said about Sinwar’s use of hostages that "the holding of hostages – since he values their lives nil – is nothing more than, say, a soldier taking cover behind a tree or rock when under heavy fire. It is not cowardice, but an intelligent and primordial impulse. He has no more empathy for a hostage than a soldier does for the rock. Indeed, the same with the ‘innocent’ Palestinian civilians."

Sinwar waving at a group of supporters at a rally.
An Israeli official said the IDF was close to killing Sinwar over the last few months.

"All is part of a very sober and rational strategy. And given the amount he has taken control of Israeli and U.S. policy with hostages and human shields, it’s a very rational strategy," Wurmser added. "We consider it cruel – but that requires empathy, which he is devoid of, and immoral, but that implies that advancing Islam at all costs is the ultimate morality and the filter for determining whether an action is moral or not."

"Sinwar has played Israel very smartly since Oct. 7, sometimes seeming as if he understands Israel better than Israel understands itself. He has used the hostages effectively to achieve his goals and has managed to keep himself always a step ahead of the IDF in its efforts to capture or kill him."

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Netanyahu says ending Gaza war now would keep Hamas in power

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hardened his rejection of Hamas demands for an end to the Gaza war in exchange for the freeing of hostages, saying on Sunday that would keep the Palestinian Islamist group in power and pose a threat to Israel.

Netanyahu said Israel was willing to pause fighting in Gaza in order to secure the release of hostages still being held by Hamas, believed to number more than 130.

"But while Israel has shown willingness, Hamas remains entrenched in its extreme positions, first among them the demand to remove all our forces from the Gaza Strip, end the war, and leave Hamas in power," Netanyahu said.

"Israel cannot accept that."

"Hamas would be able to achieve its promise of carrying out again and again and again its massacres, rapes and kidnapping‮.‬"

In Cairo, Hamas leaders held a second day of truce talks with Egyptian and Qatari mediators, with no apparent progress reported as the group maintained its demand that any agreement must end the war in Gaza, Palestinian officials said.

The war began after an assault by Hamas on southern Israel on Oct. 7 in which 1,200 people were killed and 252 hostages taken, according to Israeli tallies.

Israel's ensuring military offensive has killed more than 34,600 Palestinians, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-ruled Gaza. The bombardment has devastated much of the coastal enclave and caused a humanitarian crisis.

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Thousands demonstrate in Israel for hostage agreement with Hamas

Relatives of hostages and their supporters hold flags during a protest calling on the government to sign a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

Relatives of hostages and their supporters hold flags during a protest calling on the government to sign a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.

Several thousand people demonstrated in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening in favour of a negotiated solution for the release of Israeli hostages held by the militant Islamist group Hamas.

There was also loud criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and calls for new elections.

Protesters held banners and signs aloft reading "Negotiate now, resign later."

The father of one of the Israeli hostages criticised that the government's own survival seemed more important than the hostages. He called on the government to agree to a ceasefire in exchange for the return of the hostages.

Israeli telvision broadcaster Kan, citing a government representative, reported that Israel is not sending a team to the negotiations in Cairo for the time being.

Israel will only send a delegation to Egypt once Hamas has responded to the proposal for an agreement, according to the report.

"Netanyahu is once again trying to torpedo the only chance we have to save the hostages," a statement from the hostages' relatives said.

An Israeli offensive in the city of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip would be a "death sentence" for the hostages, emphasised the brother of a man held in Gaza.

Netanyahu could not remain Prime Minister "with the blood of 132 hostages on his hands."

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Opposition leader Yair Lapid said that the government should send a negotiating team to Cairo that very night "and tell them not to return without a deal".

Relatives of hostages and their supporters hold flags during a protest calling on the government to sign a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa
Relatives of hostages and their supporters hold flags during a protest calling on the government to sign a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa
Relatives of hostages and their supporters hold flags during a protest calling on the government to sign a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa
Relatives of hostages and their supporters hold flags during a protest calling on the government to sign a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa