Qatar is reassessing its role as a mediator between Israel and Hamas, the country's prime minister has said.

Qatar has had a key role - along with Egypt and America - in trying to secure a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and the release of Israeli hostages.

A woman reacts as she watches Palestinian forensic experts and others search for bodies of dead people in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City

A woman reacts as she watches a search for bodies near Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on Wednesday.

But Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani said Doha had been exploited and abused and was being undermined by those trying to score political points.

He also said the current peace talks were in a "delicate phase".

Attempts to secure a ceasefire have been delicate and largely unsuccessful, but the links Qatar has with all sides - including close ties to Hamas - are regarded as crucial to achieving any breakthrough.

Mediators have proposed a six-week truce during which Hamas would free 40 women, children and elderly or sick hostages - an offer Hamas publicly rejected over the weekend.

Qatar is now openly questioning chances of those talks succeeding and says it is re-evaluating its role as a mediator.

Qatar's Sheikh Mohammed said its efforts were being undermined by politicians seeking to score points.

"Unfortunately, I mean, we have seen that there has been an abuse of this mediation and an abuse of this mediation in favour of narrow political interests," he said at a news conference in Doha.

Palestinians react at the site of an Israeli strike on a house, in Rafah.

"This means that the state of Qatar has called for a comprehensive evaluation of this role. We are now at this stage to evaluate mediation and also evaluate how the parties engage in this mediation."

He did not identify any individuals but some critical voices from within the US Congress have criticised Qatar for not putting enough pressure on Hamas to make concessions. The US accused the Palestinian armed group of being "the obstacle to a ceasefire" after it publicly rejected the latest ceasefire offer over the weekend.

With new fears that the damaging war in Gaza could escalate into a wider regional conflict as tensions rise between Israel and Iran, the Qatari premier warned against the expansion of the conflict and called on the wider international community to assume its responsibilities and stop the war.


Meanwhile, the Israeli military said 14 Israeli soldiers had been injured, six of them severely, by anti-tank missiles and drones launched from Lebanese territory towards a village in northern Israel.

The Iran-backed Lebanese armed group Hezbollah said it had fired on a military target in the Arab al-Aramshe area in retaliation for recent Israeli strikes that had killed Hezbollah commanders and other fighters.

Hezbollah - which like Hamas is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by Israel, the US, UK and other countries - has been exchanging fire with Israeli forces almost every day along the border since the start of the war in Gaza.

That conflict erupted when Hamas gunmen carried out an unprecedented attack on southern Israel on 7 October, killing about 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and taking 253 others back to Gaza as hostages.

More than 33,800 people have been killed in Gaza, the majority of them women and children, during Israel's military campaign to destroy Hamas and release the hostages, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry.

A week-long ceasefire in November saw 105 hostages - most of them women and children - freed in return for some 240 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Israeli officials say 133 hostages are being held in Gaza - including four taken captive before the war - but that more than 30 of them are dead.

An empty Seder table paying homage to Israeli hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza sits along Whitehall in London (17 April 2024)
A Passover Seder table was set up in central London with 133 empty seats for the hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza [EPA]

On Saturday, Hamas put out a statement saying it was ready to agree a "serious and true" hostage exchange deal with Israel but rejected what was currently on the table.

It also reaffirmed that it was sticking to its demands for a permanent ceasefire that would lead to a full withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and the return of displaced Palestinians to their homes.

Israel's Mossad intelligence agency, whose director is leading the Israeli negotiating team, said on Sunday that Hamas's stance showed that its leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, "does not want a humanitarian deal and the return of the hostages, is continuing to exploit the tension with Iran, and is striving to unite the sectors and achieve a general escalation in the region".

US Department of State spokesman Matthew Miller said on Monday: "The bottom line is Hamas needs to take that deal and they need to explain to the world and to the Palestinian people why they aren't taking it."

Last week, a senior Israeli official told US media that Hamas had informed mediators that it did not have 40 living hostages who meet one of the criteria laid out in the latest ceasefire proposal - children, women, including soldiers, men over the age of 50 and those with serious medical conditions.

A senior Hamas official, meanwhile, said it needed a ceasefire to be under way to provide "enough time and safety" to locate all the hostages.

Sheikh Mohammed also called on the international community to "assume its responsibilities and stop this war", warning that that civilians in Gaza faced "siege and starvation", with aid being used as a "tool for political blackmail".

A UN-backed assessment said last month that 1.1 million people - half the population - were facing catastrophic hunger and that famine was imminent in northern Gaza. The UN has blamed Israeli restrictions on aid deliveries, the ongoing hostilities and the breakdown of order.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said on Wednesday that he "rejected the claims of international organisations regarding famine in Gaza" and insisted Israel was "going above and beyond in the humanitarian sphere".

The Israeli military also announced that food aid had entered Gaza from Israel's Ashdod container port for the first time, with eight UN World Food Programme lorries transporting flour via the Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing with the south of the territory on Wednesday.

A new crossing with northern Gaza was also opened last week as Israel sought to meet the demands made by US President Joe Biden following an Israeli air strike in Gaza on 1 April that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers.

"In the 12 days following my call with Prime Minister Netanyahu, 3,000 trucks with food and supplies moved into Gaza - a daily increase of over 50% from the week prior," Mr Biden wrote on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday.

However, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), which is the largest humanitarian organisation in Gaza, said in a report on Tuesday that there had been "no significant change in the volume of humanitarian supplies entering Gaza or improved access to the north".

According to figures published by UNRWA, an average of 185 lorries entered Gaza per day via Kerem Shalom and the Egyptian-controlled Rafah crossing between 5 April - the day after Mr Biden spoke to Mr Netanyahu - and 15 April, the latest available date. The daily average was 168 in the seven days between 29 March and 4 April, according to the data.

A senior UN humanitarian official also warned on Tuesday that it was still struggling to prevent famine even though there had been some improvement in the co-ordination of aid deliveries with Israel.

"It's much bigger than simply bringing in flour and baking a few loaves of bread. It is really complex," Andrea De Domenico noted. "Water, sanitation and health are fundamental to curb famine."

Cogat, the Israeli defence ministry body that is co-ordinating aid deliveries to Gaza, said 700 lorry loads of supplies were waiting to be collected on the Palestinian side of Kerem Shalom. "We scaled up our capabilities. All the UN did was make up excuses," it added.

Palestinians flee as smoke rises following an Israeli air strike during an operation in Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza (17 April 2024)
There have been days of intense bombardment and fighting in and around Nuseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza [EPA]

In a separate development on the ground in Gaza on Wednesday, the Israeli military said its troops and aircraft had "eliminated a number of terrorists and destroyed terrorist infrastructure" in the centre of the territory.

Palestinian media reported that there had been intense bombardment and fighting in and around Nuseirat refugee camp, where 11 members of the al-Nouri family were reportedly killed in a strike on their home on Tuesday.

The Israeli military also said its forces had carried out a raid "to apprehend terrorists hiding in schools" in the northern town of Beit Hanoun. A number of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives were detained and others who resisted were killed, it added.

Four people were reportedly killed on Tuesday when a house in Beit Hanoun was hit and significantly damaged, according to the UN.

One man in neighbouring Jabalia told BBC Arabic's Gaza Lifeline radio service: "We were shocked by the advance of the occupation [Israeli] forces, which surrounded the entire area and arrested young men, women and children. The forces evacuated us from the area, killed people in Beit Hanoun, entered the shelter schools, and arrested those inside them."

"This is how our life has become unbearable… whenever and wherever we walk, tanks always shower us with shells."

Qatar rejects US congressman's criticism of its mediation efforts in Gaza

U.S. Democratic representatives hold a meeting at the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

The Qatari embassy in the U.S. expressed surprise on Tuesday at comments made by a U.S. Democratic congressman regarding the Gaza hostage crisis and his threat to "reevaluate" the U.S. relationship with Qatar.

Congressman Steny Hoyer said on Monday that Qatar, which along with Egypt is mediating negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza, should tell Hamas there will be "repercussions" if the militant Palestinian group "continues to block progress towards releasing the hostages and establishing a temporary ceasefire".

"Consequences ought to include cutting off funding to Hamas or refusing to grant Hamas' leaders refuge in Doha. If Qatar fails to apply this pressure, the United States must reevaluate its relationship with Qatar," Hoyer said in a statement.

In response, Qatar said Hoyer's comments were not "constructive".

"Qatar is only a mediator - we do not control Israel or Hamas. Israel and Hamas are entirely responsible for reaching an agreement," the embassy statement said.

"Of course, recent progress has been slow, and Congressman Hoyer is not alone in his frustration. But blaming and threatening is not constructive," it said.

Qatar is a major non-NATO ally, the statement added, and presently hosts 10,000 U.S. troops and the largest U.S. military presence in the Middle East.

The embassy statement also dismissed Hoyer's suggestion that Hamas should not be in Qatar.

"It is certainly tempting to do as he suggests and walk away from seemingly intransigent parties... but it is useful to remember that Qatar's mediation role exists only because we were asked by the U.S. in 2012 to play this role since, regrettably, Israel and Hamas refuse to speak to each other directly," it said.

Hamas killed 1,200 people and took 253 hostages during an Oct. 7 incursion into southern Israel, according to Israeli tallies. An estimated 129 hostages remain in Gaza and negotiators have spoken of some 40 being freed in the first stage of a possible deal with Hamas.

The Oct. 7 killing spree by Hamas triggered Israel's ground and aerial offensive in Gaza which Palestinian officials say has so far resulted in the deaths of more than 33,000 Palestinians.

Turkish foreign minister meets Hamas foreign policy chief in Qatar

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan attends a bilateral meeting in New York. Michael Kappeler/dpa

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan attends a bilateral meeting in New York.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has met the chief of the Palestinian militant organization Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, during a visit to Qatar, the state news agency Anadolu reported on Wednesday, citing diplomatic sources.

The issues they discussed included a ceasefire in the Gaza war and the release of hostages, Anadolu reported.

According to media reports, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan also wants to meet Haniyeh in Turkey at the weekend.

Erdoğan attacked the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again on Wednesday. He said Netanyahu was responsible for the deaths of thousands of children and had "long since surpassed Hitler."

Erdoğan has already repeatedly compared Netanyahu to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in the past and accused the Israeli head of government of committing a "massacre" in the Gaza Strip. Israel has repeatedly and firmly rejected Erdoğan's statements.

It was not initially known when exactly the meeting between Erdoğan and Haniyeh would take place.