The field of medicine is constantly evolving, with minimally invasive procedures becoming increasingly popular. Interventional radiology (IR) stands at the forefront of this trend, offering a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic options using image-guided techniques. As a result, the interventional radiology market is experiencing significant growth and is poised for a bright future.

Market Size and Growth Projections

According to Stratview Research, the global interventional radiology market size was valued at USD 24.5 billion in 2021 and it is projected to reach USD 35.16 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 5.3% during 2023-2028. This growth can be attributed to several factors, which we will explore in detail below.

Trends Driving Market Growth

Several key trends are propelling the interventional radiology market forward:

  • Rising Prevalence of Chronic Diseases: The increasing incidence of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and peripheral vascular disease is a major driver. IR offers minimally invasive options for treating these conditions, leading to faster recovery times and improved patient outcomes.
  • Technological Advancements: Advancements in imaging technology, such as high-resolution CT scanners and fluoroscopy, are making IR procedures even more precise and efficient. Additionally, the development of new devices and catheters specifically designed for IR procedures is further enhancing their capabilities.
  • Growing Geriatric Population: The global population is aging, and the elderly are more susceptible to chronic diseases. IR offers a less invasive alternative to traditional surgery for this demographic, making it a more suitable treatment option.
  • Minimally Invasive Approach: Patients are increasingly opting for minimally invasive procedures due to their numerous benefits, including shorter hospital stays, reduced pain, and faster recovery times. IR caters to this growing demand, making it a preferred choice for many medical interventions.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While the upfront costs of IR procedures can be higher compared to traditional surgery, they often lead to reduced overall healthcare costs due to shorter hospital stays and faster recovery times. This cost-effectiveness is becoming increasingly important for healthcare systems around the world.

Applications of Interventional Radiology

IR has a wide range of applications across various medical specialties. Some of the most common procedures include:

  • Angiography: This procedure uses X-rays to visualize blood vessels, helping diagnose blockages and other vascular issues.
  • Angioplasty: This minimally invasive procedure involves opening blocked arteries using a balloon or stent.
  • Thrombolysis: Clots can be broken up using medications delivered through a catheter during an IR procedure.
  • Embolization: This procedure involves blocking blood flow to specific areas to control bleeding or treat tumors.
  • Biopsy: IR allows for targeted biopsies of various organs and tissues for diagnosis.
  • Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE): This minimally invasive procedure reduces the size of uterine fibroids, a common condition in women.
  • Vertebral Augmentation: IR techniques are used to stabilize fractured vertebrae with bone cement.

Forecasts for the Future

The future of the interventional radiology market looks promising. Here are some key trends to watch:

  • Focus on Emerging Markets: The market in developing countries like China, India, and Brazil is expected to see significant growth due to rising disposable incomes and an increasing demand for advanced medical care.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: AI is poised to play a major role in IR by assisting with image analysis, procedure planning, and even robotic-assisted interventions.
  • Focus on Value-Based Care: The healthcare industry is shifting towards value-based care, which emphasizes patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness. IR's minimally invasive nature and potential to reduce overall healthcare costs make it well-positioned in this new paradigm.


The interventional radiology market is on a steady growth trajectory driven by several key factors. The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, technological advancements, and the growing demand for minimally invasive procedures are all contributing to this growth. As the field continues to evolve, with new technologies and applications emerging, the interventional radiology market has the potential to revolutionize the way we diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions.