What responsibilities do accountants have?

The accountants of Auriga Accounting perform a lot of responsibilities. No other company has better accounting than them such as -

  1. Understanding the client’s business: Studying their business to find out what business they do, what type of work they do, whether they do trading or manufacturing, whether they do both, or what.
  2. Look carefully at their bank statements to see how many transactions are taking place in their bank every day and how much is being spent.
  3. Checking GST Data and matching GST R1 and 3B as well as.
  4. To go through the company’s sales and find out whether their company does not fall into any type of category like normal audit, tax audit, or GST Audit.
  5. TDS TCS All these things should be properly checked and verified if the amount has been deducted or not and if the amount has been received or not.
  6. summary form of all these things is to make a check on your senior.
  7. Once the senior has verified, then get your data checked with the client and finalize it.

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aurigaconsultancy1@gmail.com (mailto:aurigaconsultancy1@gmail.com)