Beauty products Eyebrow pencils are a type of eyebrow ink product used for eyebrow shaping. The purpose is to shape the eyebrows with razors, tweezers, etc., and then use beauty products and eyebrow pencils to draw the desired shape, making the eyebrows thick and bright.
Its advantage is that it is convenient and fast, suitable for outlining the eyebrow shape, drawing short feathered eyebrows, and outlining the eyebrow tail. The drawback is that the lines depicted are relatively stiff; Colors cannot be blended because they contain wax, which can easily remove beauty products in warm and humid environments.
Regardless of whether your eyebrows are thick or not, if you don't have the habit of eyebrow trimming, a well-shaved eyebrow pencil is very practical. Of course, the beauty products' eyebrow pencil with an eyebrow brush at the end will be more flexible to use. The use of eyebrow powder is more complex, and it is advisable to use a hairline and hard eyebrow brush with an oblique brush surface, dipped in powder and carefully brushed. Eyebrow powder can achieve a more natural effect, especially by making sparse eyebrows thicker. However, compared to the use of eyebrow pens, the use of gestures requires more skill.
Avoid using beauty products and eyebrow pens that are darker than the color of your hair, as this can make the marks of artificial trimming less noticeable. Therefore, even if your hair is dark brown, avoid using a black eyebrow pencil. If your hair is red or reddish brown, do not use brownish red easily. If you have blonde or poppy or brown hair, please choose a medium to cool-tone eyebrow pencil; For example, beige, gray, and even green (suitable for blonde hair). For those with black hair and eyes, it is suitable to choose a dark brown or light black, black gray eyebrow pencil. Be sure to pay special attention to the subtle differences in these colors.