The idea of having to commit your loved one to a nursing home can be very hard to grapple with. You might battle with feelings of letting them down, abandoning them, or not doing enough to help them. But the truth is that you have done all you can and there is still more help needed, help that can only be provided by the trained professionals at a health care facility that specializes in long term care, medication management, physical therapy, and so much more.


At Town East, we have taken great steps to make sure we are the best and most compassionate Mesquite nursing home in town. We know what needs to be provided at an assisted living facility and we know how to provide it.


You may be asking yourself if the time is right for your loved one to enter a nursing home. There are many things to consider before you make that choice, and here are just a few of them.


Medical Conditions

If a member of your family has complex medical needs that require constant care, the time may be right for a nursing home. As much as you want to help, you simply cannot be there 24/7 providing the sort of assistance that is needed. Sometimes specific medical care and nursing is necessary, which is often the biggest reason why people stay at a long term assisted living facility.



The older we get, the more likely we are to experience falls or injuries doing common, everyday activities. And while that might not be so bad when we are young, when are elderly, these little trips or falls can be debilitating, even deadly. That is why it’s so important to move to a long term assisted living nursing home at a certain point because the trained professional on hand will ensure that the environment is safe for those who are injury-prone.


Additionally, some residents suffer from dementia or another form of cognitive decline, which makes it unsafe for them to be living on their own. The specialized care given at a nursing home will ensure that they are safe at all times and able to function on their own as much as possible, with their certain medical conditions always being considered.



This is a big issue for many families and it’s one that really needs to be thought about. Of course, you love your family member so much and want the best for them. You’d do everything you can do give them the most compassionate care you can. But there may come a point when you are just not capable of delivering more. You are burnt out, tired, and unable to muster up the physical and mental strength to provide. That is more than okay and completely natural and yet another reason why a nursing home should be considered. Ultimately, it’s best for you but it’s also best for your loved one too.