There are a lot of reasons why you will need to use a VSI crusher for your business. It is most commonly used in the construction industry, but it can be used for other things like making ceramics and working with concrete and asphalt to make them into a new product. You can also choose from a few different types of crushers as well, so getting a better understanding of how the VSI crusher works can help you determine whether it is going to be the right choice for you.


So, how does the VSI crusher work? When you turn on the machine, the crushing process will start the moment you take the raw material and let it enter the crusher. You will do this through the feed hopper. It will then make its way down to the rotor that will do a lot of the work, thanks to the central entrance where you can push it all through.


That is just the start of the process though. There will be a spinning pump inside the crusher that will help move the raw material through the rest of it, so you won’t have to worry about extra tools or even using your hands to do the work, which could be very unsafe to utilize. The vertical axis rotation will help to move more of the raw material through the whole machine and will do the work.


When the raw material gets into the crusher, it will encounter a few different rotor tips and aggregate pieces that are already inside of the crusher. As the name already tells us, the material is going to be crushed thanks to the high-speed impact that is already inside of the crusher. The amount of time it will take depends on the blades that you use, the amount of raw material, and what you are hoping to get out of the VSI crusher when you are all done. You can then repeat this process over and over again for the best results with your aggregates.


Choosing a VSI crusher could be one of the best decisions that you make for your business needs. If you need to create some of your own construction products or would like to do aggregate to get it all out of the way easier, then you need to consider how well the VSI crusher is able to help you. The Metso VSI crusher is one of the best options for you to use, providing you with some of the strength and versatility to get the work done. Visit our website to learn more about some of the great products we can offer.