Finding effective and environmentally friendly solutions is of utmost importance when it comes to maintaining cooling towers. ProMoss is a plant-based alternative to traditional water treatment chemicals that can help keep your cooling tower systems clean and well-maintained. In this blog post, we will explore what ProMoss is, how it works, and the benefits it offers.

What is ProMoss?

ProMoss is a unique component of water treatment technology that uses a plant called Sphagnum moss. The plant itself grows in the midwest United States. This plant's remarkable properties make it an excellent choice for water treatment.

It secretes an enzyme that blocks organic growth in water, providing a similar treatment effect as industrial water treatment chemicals. It can also reduce the alkalinity in water, which helps balance the pH levels. Additionally, ProMoss can absorb heavy metals and contaminants, improving the overall water quality.

How Does ProMoss Work?

ProMoss works by absorbing cationic (positively charged) dissolved elements, like Calcium and Iron, acting as a water softener. In addition to this crucial function, ProMoss offers several other benefits:

1. Filters Suspended Particles

ProMoss can filter out some suspended particles, ensuring your cooling tower water remains clear and debris-free. This helps to maintain the efficiency of your system and prevents clogging.

2. Keeps Bacteria Free Floating

By keeping bacteria free floating in the bulk water, ProMoss prevents them from thriving in the community or inside a host. This inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, including Legionella, which is a common concern in cooling tower systems.

3. Inhibits Scale and Organic Contamination

ProMoss can inhibit and remove scale and organic contamination. This helps to prevent the buildup of mineral deposits and organic matter, which can reduce the efficiency and lifespan of your cooling tower system.

4. Reduces Disinfection Byproducts

Traditional water treatment chemicals can sometimes produce disinfection byproducts, harming human health and the environment. By using ProMoss, you can significantly reduce the formation of these byproducts, ensuring the safety of your cooling tower system.

5. Absorbs Oil and Water

ProMoss has an impressive absorption capacity. It can absorb ten times its dry weight in oil and 20 times in water. This makes it an excellent choice for managing oil spills and water pollution incidents that may occur in or around your cooling tower system.

Can ProMoss Eliminate The Need for Chemicals?

While ProMoss is highly effective in reducing the use of chemicals in cooling tower systems, it may not eliminate the need for chemicals in all cases. Eliminating chemicals depends on various factors. These factors could be the system's specific needs, water quality, and regulatory requirements.

However, ProMoss can significantly reduce the reliance on traditional water treatment chemicals, making it a more sustainable option. Tower Water can assess your requirements and customize a solution that minimizes chemical usage while ensuring optimal system performance.

Final Thoughts

ProMoss offers a natural, sustainable, and effective solution for maintaining and cleaning cooling tower systems. With its unique properties and numerous benefits, ProMoss can help you reduce the use of chemicals, improve system efficiency, and protect your infrastructure. At Tower Water, we understand the importance of using innovative and environmentally friendly solutions for water treatment and water tower cleaning.

We offer ProMoss as part of our customized cleaning and water treatment services. Contact us today to learn how ProMoss can benefit your cooling tower system and help you achieve peace of mind knowing that your building infrastructure is well-protected.