Reminds me of an old joke. A man goes to a job interview. The interviewer asks, “Why are you applying?”. The man replies, “Because you’re hiring.”

The intent of buying property, or “agenda” as you put it, is completely irrelevant, so long as you purport to respect the rules of the so-called “free market” and the concept of private property. It’s called capitalism. You wanna sell some land, I wanna buy some land. I pay you the right amount of money for it, you give me the land, and what I do with it is my business.

“But…but you can’t sell land to the Chinese! Those subhumans are destroying western values!”

Doesn’t matter. It’s a free market. If Jesus could tolerate being in the company of taxmen and whores, then you can bloody well sell a piece of land that your forebears stole from native peoples, to a Chinese kleptocrat who’s stealing from Chinese taxpayers and investing the fruits of their labour into western economies.

But the irony of neoliberals, and westoids at large, is that they don't actually believe in what they preach - the free market, democracy and such. What they really want is their way over everybody else’s.

That is why they

  • have a “free market” that selectively bans people from participating in economic activities, such as when Wall Street stopped Redditors from trading shorted GameStop stocks back in 2021, and when several US states banned Chinese citizens from purchasing land
  • support “economic freedom”, and yet repeatedly try to ban or seize (steal) TikTok just for the crime of being Chinese
  • are big advocates of “free trade” and “international law/rules-based order”, yet immediately resort to sanctions, colour revolutions and military invasions when other countries dare to do things differently
  • support “diversity” and open borders, yet only selectively accept immigrants and refugees from “white” countries, rig the game against Asians to stop them from being accepted into higher education institutes, as well as commit brutal hate crimes against Asians in huge numbers
  • respect the “sanctity of private ownership”, and yet confiscate the property of Russian and Afghan citizens
  • support “free media” and “free expression”, and yet ban Russian media and censor Chinese netizens on social media

The cornerstones of neoliberal western society - freedom of speech, private ownership, “universal values”, etc - are nothing more than a joke at this point. And it wasn’t the Chinese who corrupted them - westoids did it themselves, with their own hypocrisy and double standards.

As China continues to rise, these people only become more hateful and paranoid. The more toxic they become, the more they chip away at the cornerstones of their own society. And don’t think the rest of the world isn’t paying attention.

That is why China is becoming more favored diplomatically these days, why the developing world is rallying behind Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, and why they're all slowly but surely decoupling from the west economically. I'm sorry, "de-risking" I believe is the politically correct version of the term these days.

This will only end up hurting the west, far more than the Chinese.