There are a lot of different ways that bed bugs are able to get into your home and cause problems. Whether they come in on one of your family pets or when you come home from a longer trip on some of your luggage if you are not careful about where you stay. These bugs are difficult to remove from the area and are not a lot of fun to handle at all. As soon as you notice some of the bugs around your home, you need to call in the professionals and get the issue handled before it turns into a large infestation.


One of the first steps to this whole process though is to identify what a bed bug looks like. This can make it easier to recognize them and you may be able to stop them from coming into your home in the first place. Keep in. mind when you see them that the bed bugs will be oval in shape and will be small, usually no more than 3/6th of an inch. Before they feed on anything, they will be flat and brown. But as soon as they have a nice meal to eat, they can get swollen, red in color, and elongated.


There are a few other physical features that you can look at too. For example, bed bugs will have 2 antennae and 6 legs. Despite having reduced wing pads on them, they really do not have any wings to speak of and they will not be able to fly around at all. This at least gives you some peace of mind knowing that they will not be able to get around by flying in the home.


When it is an adult bed bug, you will be able to see them without any additional tools. This is even easier to see if they are within the mattress seams and box springs. The bed bug nymphs can sometimes be harder to identify because they are paler in color and often smaller, so it may not be until you get an adult one near you that you will be able to notice they are there.


Dealing with bed bugs and some of the other pests that will show up around your home or commercial property is important if you want to keep everyone safe and happy. Whether you need pest removal for your home or you are looking for warehouse pest control in Edmonds, we are here to help. We have the right professionals who can bring their expertise and specialized tools to remove the pests so that your property will stay safe and secure. Contact us today to get started with your pest control needs.