One thing that a lot of tenants do not realize they can do when moving into a new apartment is negotiate the lease terms and conditions. While some landlords are not going to be open to this, others may be willing to work with you in order to have a happy tenant and not have to worry about someone moving out on them too early. If you can bring in some good data about yourself or about the rental market, and you can make a good deal with the landlord, they may be willing to listen.


There are a few things that you can consider doing to help make negotiating the lease terms and conditions a little bit better. Some of these include:


# Offer to sign a longer lease: If you plan to stay in the same unit for two or three years, then you may find the landlord will offer you a longer lease and better terms in the process. This will be an easy way to stand out as an applicant. Even if they just agree to keep your rent the same for two or three years, that can do wonders for helping you budget over the coming months.

# Offer flexibility: If you have some flexibility on your moving, such as following the timeline that works for the landlord or being able to move quickly, then mention this to the landlord. They may be willing to give you a discount or offer other incentives if you are willing to do this, making their lives a little easier in the process.

Ask about rent concessions: Another thing that you can consider doing when moving into an apartment that can help you stand out is to ask about other amenities and perks the landlord can offer to make the move worth it. The landlord may not be able to lower the rent, but they could provide lower gym fees or free parking as an incentive to get you to come and be their tenant rather than living somewhere else.


Our one bedroom apartments in Seattle will provide you with all of the privacy and comfort that you are looking for in no time. Many of our potential tenants fall in love with our units from the moment they step in the door, marveling at the space, the great location, and all of the neat amenities that we are able to offer as well. You will want to move in right away. Come and check out some of our apartment units today and see if they are the right place for you!