If you have moved into one of the many three bedroom apartments in Long Beach, CA then you may be faced with a very common conundrum. Just what are you supposed to do with all that extra space that you have?


Having three bedrooms is great if you are sharing your apartment with multiple roommates. But if you live on your own, you may be at a loss about what you can do with the extra space. The good news is that you have many options because you can do tons with a spare bedroom. The sky is the limit and you need to just embrace your lifestyle and what you want to achieve. Your spare bedroom can be key to living the sort of life that you want!


A Home Office

Now more than ever, people are working from home. If you take your spare bedroom and convert it into a home office, you will be able to get so much done with comfort and efficiency. Put some money into getting the right sort of desk, chair, shelves, and more, and soon you’ll be more productive than ever before.


You can also turn your spare bedroom into a quiet study area. This is great for someone who is currently in college, as it will allow you peace and quiet when you are trying to prepare for a test or get an assignment done.


Guest Room

This is a choice that many people make when it comes to their spare bedroom. You can turn the space into a guest bedroom, which will be great whenever you have friends or family visiting. But just because this will be your guest room doesn’t mean you can’t give it personality and a great, comfortable atmosphere. Think of your guest room as a chance to show off to your loved ones and make them feel comfortable. Choose the sort of colors and furniture that will reflect your personality and leave a lasting impression on the people who stay with you.


Fitness Area

Why spend hundreds of dollars every month on a gym membership when you can just work out from your apartment? If you turn your spare bedroom into a home gym, you will soon find that you are happy and healthy and achieving that all from the comfort of your home.


You don’t need a whole lot. Of course, a treadmill would be perfect for a home gym, as would a stationary bike. But you can also buy some weight or just lay down a gym mat and job in place to burn calories. Working out at home not only saves you money but it offers you privacy that you don’t get at the local gym. Plus, you only have to walk a few feet to wash off in the showers after your workout.