When it comes to interior design, one of the biggest decisions people in London have to make is whether to use wallpaper or paint. Transforming your walls is one of the most important aspects of interior design, but the tricky part is how you will do it.

If you, too, are juggling between wallpaper and paint, this blog post has got you covered. This blog post is by the best Wallpaper Installation London company and will guide you through the pros and cons of wallpaper and paint and how they stack up against each other. 

Wallpaper Installation London The Pros Of Wallpapering


While some people have forgotten wallpapers in London, this trend has made a huge comeback, thanks to various styles, designs, and colours they have come in. Printable wallpapers are in the market now, so you can make your space unique. 


Professional Wallpaper Installer London says that modern-day wallpapers are made with high-quality materials and are more durable than their predecessors. You can expect your wallpapers to last around 10 to 15 years on average with proper installation and maintenance services. 


Gone are the days when there were only limited design options in wallpaper. Now you can get simple, textured, paintable, matte and glitter wallpapers to fit your needs. Wallpaper installation London companies suggest that whether you want to transform a wall into a focal point or give your entire room a new feel, wallpapers have endless possibilities. 

Wallpaper Finishes

The number of wallpaper finishes available in the market is numerous. Everything from suede, velvet, fabric, vinyl, embossed-texture finish and many more are available, making it the appealing choice in the wallpaper vs paint debate. Make sure you pick a finish that compliments the look you are going for, from dramatic to sombre.

Wallpapers Are Very Classy.

Since wallpapers are back in trend now, they are still very unique. If you are looking for a classy and off-beat home design scheme, go for the unique wallpaper trends that have flooded the London market. 

Cost Effective

Wallpaper Repair London and installation companies in London say that wallpapers are much more cost-effective than paint. Since wallpapers last for years, you must keep them the same. This makes them cost-effective and a clear winner between wallpaper and paint. 

Removable Wallpaper London

Removable wallpaper is a hassle-free and versatile option for home decor in London. The key advantage of this type of wallpaper is its easy application and removal, making it perfect for people who live on rent in London and constantly want to upgrade their interiors. Since these wallpapers are available in many designs, they allow you to personalise your space. Above all, it is cost-effective and will save you the time and effort required during professional installations. Also, removable wallpaper is durable, doesn't leave any residue on the ellas and thus gives you the freedom to transform your room in style; it is a practical choice for many residents in London who are on a constant quest to upgrade their interiors. 

Wallpaper Installation London Cons Of Wallpapering

Less Variety

When it comes to paints, you can find almost all available colours on this earth. Wallpaper Remover services tell you that fewer colours are available when you go the wallpapering route than you can find in the paint option. From traditional colours to modern ones, the paint options don't disappoint you. Also, you can mix two colours to create your chosen colour, which is impossible with wallpapers.


Regarding cost, wallpapers are cost-effective in the long run, but their initial installation cost is very high. If price is an important factor, then Wallpaper Removal Services London companies suggest that wallpapers can be expensive. So, if you are ready to spend on interior decor, please go for wallpapers. 

It Takes A Long Time To Install

Since wallpapering is a new concept compared to painting, not everyone can handle it well. You will need professionals to come and install it for you.

The process takes more time than painting. It is also time-consuming to remove an existing wallpaper.

Wallpaper Design  London companies suggest painting and wallpaper can be a good idea to update your decor. Consider the pros and cons of both before concluding. Book your free consultation with the best wallpaper installation company and get expert opinions on wallpapering today!!

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