It's everything, the Toshiba air fryer is simple and delicious, and low-fat meals are not spared.
Today I have sorted out the Toshiba air fryer recipes, including detailed methods, which are too suitable for lazy people!
No fries
How to make it
1 Peel the potatoes and cut them into thicker strips
2 Put in water and soak for 0 minutes to soak the starch
Blanch 3 potatoes for 5 minutes into translucent strips
4Wipe dry and bake in an air fryer at 190° for 20 minutes.
The rustling inside of the blanched water is super delicious
Baked egg tarts
How to make it
Prepare 1 egg, 100g milk, and 20g sugar, stir all the ingredients well, sieve once, and thaw 1 egg tart skin naturally for 5 minutes, first do not bake 2, add egg tart liquid 9 points full, 180 ° 7 minutes, then 140 ° bake for 4 minutes.
Iwayaki toast
How to make it
25g butter, 8 cheese slices, 15g pure milk, 40g light cream
1Melt butter, sugar, and cheese slices over low heat
2Add light cream and milk, stir constantly until bubbling and turn off the heat.
3 Spread on toast and preheat the air fryer for 1808-10 minutes.
Yogurt cake
How to make it
Sugar substitute 15g white vinegar
1 scoop/lemon juice with a few drops of eggs
1 low-gluten flour 10g corn oil 3g yogurt 20g egg whites egg yolk separated, egg yolk + oil + flour + yogurt mix and stir well.
2 egg whites + white vinegar/lemon juice beaten until sharp
3. Air fryer preheat to 180 "At this time, quickly mix 1 and 2 and mix well.
4Pour into the mold 150°20 minutes