The release of WoW Classic in 2019 brought back a lot of nostalgia for many players. However, it also caused long queue times on some servers.


If you are planning on playing WoW Classic, it is important to choose the right server. Here are some tips to help you do so.


Factors That May Affect Server Populations


With the launch of Wrath of the Lich King Classic in 2019, many WoW fans have been eager to experience the game as it was back in the vanilla days. However, deciding which realm to join can be tricky. There are several factors that need to be considered, including server population, type, and faction balance.


Blizzard often launches fresh realms for each new Classic expansion, and Wrath of the Lich King is no exception. In North America, Skyfury, Angerforge, and Maladath are currently available, while European players can choose between Thekal, Jin’do, and Giantstalker.


While each of these servers offers a different flavor and experience, they all have similar populations. This means that it’s unlikely that the popularity of each will change dramatically over time. However, it is possible that some of these servers will eventually die out, leaving some players stranded. Fortunately, there are some ways to help mitigate this problem. One such method involves layers, which are a WoW Classic-specific solution to alleviate congestion in densely populated areas.


The Current Popularity of WoW Classic


Despite its age, World of Warcraft continues to hold a special place in the hearts of many fans. It is currently the second most-played video game on the planet, behind only Fortnite, and boasts over 2.08 billion days played. This number is even more impressive when considering the fact that the OG WoW still has its loyal following.


This throwback game allows players to experience the millennial version of the franchise that launched in 2006. With its healthy population, it is no wonder why so many people continue to play WoW Classic.By visiting the site, an individual can get some knowledge wotlk classic gold.


When it comes to selecting a server, it’s important that you consider all of the options available. This includes both the PvP and the normal servers. Some servers have a heavy skew towards one faction over the other, which can make playing difficult for some. Other servers have the correct balance and offer a great playing experience. Regardless, the WoW Classic population is still growing.


The Potential Demand for a Wrath of the Lich King Classic Server


Wrath of the Lich King is one of WoW's most popular expansions, and many servers already experience long login queues during peak play times. In a forum post, Blizzard encouraged players on highly-populated realms to transfer to new ones — but that may only worsen the situation for some.


As Ars Technica previously reported, a player named Naowh recently took advantage of years-old exploits to level up from 0 to 80 on a new World of Warcraft Classic server. His achievement triggered an outpouring of online support and criticism, including from several members of the community that felt he should not have been banned for his actions.


As a result, there is a growing demand for a WoW Classic server that offers a more balanced faction experience. To help meet this need, Blizzard will launch a pair of fresh start servers with the pre-patch on August 30: Skyfury for North America and Maladath for Europe.


The Potential Impact of Other Expansions


As new expansions are released for retail WoW, this may have an impact on the population of Wrath of the Lich King Classic servers. This is because new content will likely split the player base, causing some servers to lose popularity and forcing players to find other servers to play on.


For this reason, it is important to keep in mind the impact of new expansions when choosing a server to roll a character on. It is best to choose a server with a good population and faction balance to minimize the chances of finding yourself on a dead server.


World of Warcraft servers are currently experiencing overflowing populations, with players facing hours-long queues to log in. In an effort to reduce this issue, Blizzard has locked transfers to and prevented character creation on the most crowded servers—known colloquially as mega-realms—until their populations decrease. This has caused some confusion among players, who may be worried that they are unable to get into the game.