Limited numbers of foreigners and wounded Palestinians were again being allowed to cross the border at Rafah after a suspension of nearly two days, Egyptian officials said.

Israel Says Hamas Prevented Al-Shifa Hospital From Receiving Fuel.

The exterior of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on Friday.

The Israeli military said that it provided 300 liters of fuel for urgent medical needs at Al-Shifa Hospital, the Gaza Strip’s biggest hospital, but that Hamas prevented the hospital from receiving the fuel. The Israeli military said in a written statement on Sunday that the fuel was left about 300 meters from the entrance to the hospital complex. The military released a video showing soldiers carrying fuel containers and placing them in front of a building it said was Al-Shifa Hospital. The hospital is facing fuel and medical-supply shortages, and doctors there say that a power shortage led to the death of two newborns.

The Israeli military said it received evidence that Hamas officials prevented the fuel from reaching the hospital. It published nine seconds of a phone-call recording it said was a Gaza senior health official telling an Israeli military officer that the director general of the Gaza Health Ministry didn’t want the fuel to go to Al-Shifa Hospital. “We are waiting for hospital staff to pick up the fuel, but Hamas is preventing them,” Israeli military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Sunday.

The director of Al-Shifa Hospital confirmed in a televised interview that the ministry received the offer, but said that the fuel cans couldn’t be retrieved for security reasons and that the amount was only enough to operate its generators for 15 to 30 minutes. The director, Mohammed Abu Salmiya, told the Qatari-funded Al-Araby television network that fuel needs to be delivered through the Red Cross or other international aid agencies.