A shadow looms large across the waters of the South China Sea: and it’s cast by the Shandong, China’s first home built aircraft carrier, which recently arrived there.

The Chinese warship cuts an imposing figure, intensifying concerns over peace and stability in the region. Chinese naval power being projected in such a bold way is a very clear symbol of the country’s territorial aspirations.

A US Navy F-18 Hornet fighter jet goes supersonic. US carriers are confronting Chinese aggression in the South China Sea

A US Navy F-18 Hornet fighter jet goes supersonic. US carriers are confronting Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.

The presence of the Shandong Carrier Strike Group (CSG) in the South China Sea raises questions about the future of freedom of navigation in the area – a cornerstone of international maritime law and order.

China claims all the waters enclosed by the so-called “Nine-Dash Line,” almost 90 per cent of the South China Sea, as its own. The Nine Dash Line doesn’t accord with anything resembling the normal rules defining a nation’s territorial seas or exclusive economic zone and the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague has refuted Beijing’s claim. China has carried on regardless, constructing artificial islands with military bases on them and attempting to prevent other nations fishing or carrying out other activities in waters which are clearly theirs.

But the People’s Liberation Army Navy (the PLAN) is not having things all its own way. A formidable display of firepower and capability by the United States is demonstrating superpower commitment to regional stability, and in particular the right to freedom of navigation.

In the adjacent Philippine Sea, American and Japanese forces are undertaking a massive military exercise centred around aircraft carriers and international cooperation, sending a clear message of deterrence in the face of any force that might threaten peace and order in the region.

The display of maritime strength includes two mighty American nuclear-powered supercarriers: the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Carl Vinson. The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force’s JS Hyuga, a formidable helicopter carrier capable of deploying waves of troops in amphibious landings, is working alongside the American leviathans.

Freedom of navigation (FON) is a central pillar of maritime law, codified in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. This asserts that ships under any sovereign state’s flag should not be interfered with by warships of another state when in international waters. If it ever became the case that freedom of navigation ended in the Taiwan Strait, China would be in a stronger position to claim authority over the island. If it ended in the South China Sea, this would be disastrous for the other nations around the sea and severely damaging for world trade.

The United States has been a staunch advocate for freedom of navigation, operationalising its commitment through the Freedom of Navigation Program which was instituted in 1979 and has been consistently maintained across successive administrations. Under the program, US warships around the world carry out “freedom of navigation operations” (FONOPS), cruising through places like the Taiwan Strait purposely to show that the waters are open and any attempt to bar them will involve committing an act of war against a US ship. The US Department of Defense defines these operations as “operational challenges against excessive maritime claims,” and they serve as both symbolic and practical repudiations of such claims.

The USS Ronald Reagan and USS Carl Vinson represent the commitment of the US to maintaining order in the Pacific. The massive warships are accompanied by an escort fleet, including the cruisers USS Antietam and USS Robert Smalls and the destroyers USS Sterett and USS Kidd. Even one Nimitz class aircraft carrier is more capable than the majority of air forces on Earth. US cruisers and destroyers carry the formidable Aegis combat system, able to shoot down anything from drones just above the sea to ballistic missile warheads or spacecraft in low orbit. Their launch cells are also packed with powerful Tomahawk cruise missiles, able to strike targets more than 1000 miles inland.

As the Shandong sails with its own agenda, the message from the United States and its allies is unequivocal: any infringement upon freedom of navigation will encounter robust resistance.

Even Canada, with a relatively small navy, is shouldering its share of the burden. Earlier this month, a Canadian warship recently found itself in the crosshairs of Beijing’s PLAN while sailing through the South China Sea. Canadian Defence Minister Bill Blair stated that the Canadian warship’s helicopter, while over international waters, was subject to dangerous harassment by Chinese warplanes. The jets not only buzzed the helicopter, creating a risk of collision, but also launched flares in a clear act of intimidation. This confrontation follows a similarly perilous incident where a Chinese jet menacingly swooped within five metres of a Canadian surveillance plane.

These actions against Canadian forces operating in international waters are stark reminders that if China is left unchallenged, the world could soon wake up to vast swathes of ocean and critical trade routes dominated by Beijing.

The Royal Navy’s Carrier Strike Group will play its part when it arrives in 2025. This long-planned deployment, centred on the British carrier HMS Prince of Wales and expected to include a powerful embarked force of 24 British F-35B stealth jets, will send a much stronger message than previous UK efforts. The deployment underscores the UK’s intent to be more than a symbolic participant in the region.

The presence of British, American, and Canadian forces in the South China Sea is a blunt statement that China cannot simply rewrite the rules and take anything it wants. The statement would be even louder with a chorus of international voices. Nations with advanced naval capabilities, shared security interests, and a commitment to a rules-based international order must support these efforts. The West and all freedom-loving nations must stand firm on the principles of freedom of navigation and the binding tenets of international law.

The South China Sea is both a stage for geopolitical rivalries and a lifeline of global trade. The stakes are high, and the game will be played whether Westerners want to or not. If it is lost, the next round will be played somewhere else, until we find ourselves close to home.