The Metropolitan Police commissioner is under pressure to ban a pro-Palestinian march planned for Armistice Day.

A poppy vendor counter is disturbed by a pro-Palestinian demonstrating during a sit-in at Charing Cross during a 'Ceasefire Now' rally in London

 is facing growing calls to cancel Saturday’s rally amid fears that the protest will turn violent.

, the Deputy Prime Minister, expressed “grave concerns” over the planned demonstration, with senior Tories also demanding that the march be cancelled.

It came as Sir Mark was warned by his force’s own rank-and-file officers that pro-Palestinian protesters may clash with veterans commemorating the Remembrance weekend.

More than 70,000 protesters are expected in the capital this Saturday in the latest round of controversial pro-Palestinian rallies, at which four police officers were attacked with fireworks over the weekend.

On the same day, veterans will gather at the Cenotaph for a solemn procession to commemorate Britain’s war dead, with hundreds of veterans expected to lead a two-minute silence and a wreath-laying ceremony.

The warnings come after calls from  and  to block the rally through central London.

Grant Shapps, the Defence Secretary, wrote on Twitter last night that “any disruption of Remembrance weekend would be completely unacceptable”, adding: “It would be an absolute disgrace to hear abusive chants as the nation pays its respects to those that have sacrificed everything for our freedom.”

The Prime Minister wrote to Sir Mark on Friday to argue that the force had “the powers necessary” to ensure that protests did not “disrupt or disturb” acts of Remembrance.

Mrs Braverman, the Home Secretary, suggested over the weekend that anyone who damaged the Cenotaph in Whitehall should be jailed “faster than their feet can hit the ground”.

The commissioner cannot ban the protest himself, but can apply to the Home Secretary and the Mayor of London to ban protests within a local area if police believe imposing conditions will not be enough to prevent a march from leading to serious public disorder.

Mr Dowden told Sky News yesterday: “I think the police need to think very carefully about the safety of that demonstration, namely whether it could spill over into violent protest and the signal it sends particularly to the Jewish community.”

The Deputy Prime Minister also said that Black Lives Matter activists have failed to speak out about anti-Semitism, despite the massacre of hundreds of Israeli civilians last month.

On Sunday, the Metropolitan Police Federation said officers were worried about how they would police the potentially volatile situation on Saturday, as well as how the public would react.

It is understood that Metropolitan Police officers are especially worried about a public backlash if they are forced to detain veterans who clash with protesters.

Rick Prior, vice-chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, said: “No one knows what is going to happen but obviously there are concerns that there could be confrontation between those who want to commemorate Remembrance day and those protesting the war in Gaza.

“It’s a really tricky dynamic for them to police. I think the officers on the ground are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

Rogue activists could deviate from route

Veterans’ charities said they would be focused on the Armistice Day commemorations on Saturday, with hundreds of veterans expected to gather in the morning at the Cenotaph for a procession, a two-minute silence and a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate Britain’s war dead.

The Western Front Association, which will lay a wreath in memory of those who gave their lives in the First World War, said it would conduct its commemoration with “dignity and solemn reflection”.

A spokesman said the association “relies on guidance from the police to ensure the safety and security of all attendees”.

The Veterans Charity said it would focus on honouring the fallen with “calm, dignified professionalism and respect”.

A British Legion member, who did not wish to be named, hoped that “common sense prevails”.

“People are there because they passionately want to remember their fallen comrades, if that is disrupted in any way I think it will be extremely upsetting,” he added.

The Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, which is organising the protest, said it would stick to the route dictated by the Metropolitan Police, adding that its protest is not due to begin until 12.45pm.

But government sources have warned that rogue activists might deviate from the route, which runs from Hyde Park to the US embassy in Battersea and arrives at the Cenotaph.

“You can imagine the scenes. It would be a wall of police versus people trying to get there,” said one government insider who is monitoring the police response.

“When a march becomes fragmented it is harder to control.”

Boris Johnson, the former prime minister, added his voice to the growing list of senior Tories criticising those taking to the streets to support Palestine.

Visiting Jerusalem, Boris Johnson, the former prime minister, said pro-Palestinian marchers are, intentionally or not, ‘condoning the brutality and murder that was conducted by those Hamas terrorists’ in Israel on Oct 7
Visiting Jerusalem, Boris Johnson, the former prime minister, said pro-Palestinian marchers are, intentionally or not, ‘condoning the brutality and murder that was conducted by those Hamas terrorists’ in Israel on Oct 7 - Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

During a visit to Jerusalem, he said: “I would say to everybody marching across the world right now, supposedly in support of ‘free Palestine’, in fact what they are doing, whether they intend it or not, is condoning the brutality and the murder that was conducted by those Hamas terrorists – and which, by the way, they would do again.

“Intentionally or otherwise, those demonstrators are giving hope and comfort and support to the terrorists of Hamas. What I saw today showed above all why we need and will always need the state of Israel – a place where Jews can be safe.”

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory leader, said: “They have to stop it, no question. It is not a time for protest. It is time for peace and commemoration. The Met, the Home Secretary, the Mayor of London, everyone’s got to step up and say: ‘No, you cannot do this, this is not allowed.’”