Immerse yourself in the flourishing world of plant-based food & beverages market cuisine with our comprehensive analysis of the Plant-Based Food and Beverage Market. Discover an array of delectable, sustainable options revolutionizing the culinary landscape. Stay ahead of evolving consumer preferences, innovative products, and market trends, as we unveil the future of conscious dining. Explore the intersection of taste, health, and sustainability in this thriving industry.

Plant-Based Food & Beverages Market Outlook, 2017-2027 ($ Billion)

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The global plant-based food & beverages market will be valued at $94.2 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.2% over 2023-2027. Plant-based food & beverages includes a wide range of food items which are made from natural plant-based ingredients. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and algae/fungi are commonly used in developing these products, which do not contain any animal and animal-sourced items like milk, meat, or eggs. With rising health-consciousness, consumers are gaining awareness of the chronic health diseases associated with consumption of animal-derived products, thereby switching to plant-based food & beverages, including plant-based meat, plant-based milk, and plant-based snacks to improve their overall health & wellness.