What happened: On Aug. 23, Li Yansong reportedly discovered the man, surnamed Chen, standing on his building’s rooftop ledge.

Li quickly asked a fellow officer who was with him at the scene for a pair of handcuffs. He then cuffed his wrist with Chen’s to stop the man from jumping.

The officer reportedly comforted Chen by patting his hand and speaking to him. Reinforcements soon arrived and helped bring Chen away from the ledge.

Gone for hours: Local media reported that Chen had left his home in a foul mood at around 6 a.m. on the day of the incident. Chen’s family filed a report to the police after he was no longer reachable, which prompted Li to search for him.

Virality: Li quickly went viral for his brave actions. Videos of the incident have already amassed more than 7 million views on Douyin.