Kubler Ross Change Curve: Explained

Discover the Kubler Ross Change Curve, a model explaining the stages of grief and adaptation to change in personal and professional contexts.

Kubler Ross Change Curve: Explained Discover the Kubler Ross Change Curve, a model explaining the stages of grief and adaptation to change in personal and professional contexts. https://lifo.bconglobal.com/resources/explaining-change-1
Explaining Change
The Change Curve With every distracting event, let it be the introduction of new technology or an outbreak that forces all employees to work from home, as proposed by Kubler-Ross in her book “Death and Dying” employees will go through similar stages like those described on the curve below. The curve is known as the Kubler-Ross Change curve or also known as the 5 stages of grief. The curve reflects the stages individuals go through when any change event occurs. The 5 stages...
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