Searching for an affordable apartment that is also in the right location and provides you with a lot of amazing amenities may seem hard enough. But when you have to worry about all of the scams out there, it can make the experience really hard to work through. If you are worried about running into some of the most common scams that are out there for a new apartment, there are a few things to look out for including:


# Always make sure that you deal directly with the property owner or the property management team that runs the apartment. You should never share your personal information or make payments to someone who isn’t able to prove legitimacy to you.

# Never agree to wire money or make any upfront cash payments without being able to see the property in-person or signing a lease agreement that gives you certain rights to the property too.

# Always pay attention to your own instincts. If you feel like something is too good to be true or it feels off for some reason, then it is always a good idea to investigate further or seek advice from other people. Usually if it is too good to be true, then it is and you need to run the other way.

# Verify the legitimacy of the property. You can do this by cross-referencing the information that you are given from more than one source. A good place to go is local property records or official rental websites too.

# If you do need to do a long-distance search because you are moving far away, then consider working with a real estate agent. They can do some of the work for you, verifying all of the listings in the area and handling the transactions for you. This can keep you safe along the way and will make it less likely that you will become a victim of a scam.


Finding a good student housing apartment that is not going to be a scam can be such a great experience. And when you check out our five bedroom student housing near Sam Houston State University, you will find a great community of other students to share a space with and have one of the best living situations, without the high costs. We are close to the campus and provide all of the amenities that you are looking for, no matter what year you are at school. Come and take a tour of some of our apartments and seeing why they are some of the best choices for your student housing needs.